Suggested Infant Feeding Schedule (

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Suggested Infant Feeding Schedule

Use this as a guide for introducing your baby to solid foods. Consult your pediatrician if you are unsure whether your baby is ready to begin solids. Remember, meal times are a great opportunity to have fun and communicate with your baby, but they may be messy too. Get out your camera to capture these moments! Click print on your browser tool bar to print out this feeding schedule and attach it to your refrigerator for easy reference. Or download a PDF version of the chart (112 KB) to print.

AgeBreast MilkFormulaGrainsFruits & VegetablesYogurt, Meat & Poultry
0-1 MonthEvery 2-3 hours, or 8-10 feedings each day. Feed on demand.Every 3-4 hours, or 6-8 feedings each day, 2-3 oz. per feeding.NoneNoneNone
1-4 Months6-8 feedings each day. The number of feedings will decrease as your baby sleeps longer at night.Every 4-5 hours, or 5-6 feedings per day. 4-6 oz. per feeding.NoneNoneNone
4-6 MonthsUsually 6 feedings each day.4-5 feedings each day, 6-8 oz. per feeding, maximum of 32 oz. per day.The first solid food is usually iron-fortified rice cereal, followed by oatmeal and other grains. This provides the extra iron that babies this age need. Start with 1 tbsp. each meal mixed with either breast milk or formula to desired consistency and increase to 4 tbsp. each meal. Begin with 1 serving each day and advance to 2 when accepted by your baby.Once baby accepts cereal, begin with strained fruits and vegetables. Start with single vegetables that are finely pureed. Advance to approximately 4 oz. jar per meal. Remember to try only one new food at a time; watch for signs of allergy (diarrhea, rash, vomiting).None
6-9 MonthsUsually 4-6 feedings each day. As your baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease.Depending on the amount of solid food in your baby's diet, the formula will range from 24-30 oz. per day.At 8 months, introduce foods that have more texture.May want to try juice. Continue with fruits and vegetables to include new single flavors and combinations offering new tastes and textures.At 7 months can begin yogurt. At 8 months can begin finely milled poultry and meats.
9-12 MonthsAs baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease. Usually 4 feedings each day.The formula intake will fall to approximately 24 oz. per day.Usually 1 time each day (1/4 - 1/2 cup). May want to try finger foods, such as well cooked pasta.Usually 2 servings of fruit AND vegetables per day (1/4-1/2 cup each serving). As babies transition more to table foods, they can try a "chunkier" texture. Select easily chewable foods cut up into small pieces. Try more finger foods, such as small pieces of banana.Usually 1 serving of yogurt (1/4-1/2 cup). Usually 1 serving of meat or poultry. For variety try scrambled eggs or soft cheese.