歌曲:思念谁 演唱:巫启贤
你知不知道 思念一个人的滋味 就像喝了一杯冰冷的水 然后用很长很长的时间 一颗一颗流成热泪
你知不知道 寂寞的滋味 寂寞是因为思念谁 你知不知道 痛苦的滋味 痛苦是因为想忘记谁
你知不知道 忘记一个人的滋味 就像欣赏一种残酷的美 然后用很小很小的声音 告诉自己坚强面对
林贝卡 2006 2012 冬 于美国
林贝卡 发表评论于
Yeah, I like it, too: a touching song.
尔尔 发表评论于
林贝卡 发表评论于
静谧海湾 发表评论于
Have a happy day,
林贝卡 发表评论于
夜光杯 发表评论于
林贝卡 发表评论于
• 谢谢林贝卡,早上好。 -cb808- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/22/06
• cb808, 早安。 -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/22/06
• 思念me :)) -圣牛- ♂ (0 bytes) (10 reads) 12/22/06
• good answer -绿色和平原子弹- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/22/06
• Artist, are you ready for Christmas? Happy Holidays. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 12/22/06
• the real question is: is Christmas ready for greenpeace? -绿色和平原子弹- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/22/06
• ^______________^ Rebecca, 牛牛,老板好! -johnz002- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 12/22/06
• John, how about you? Are you ready for Christmas? -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/22/06
• Yep, the weather is going to be cold. You have fun. -johnz002- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/22/06
• Gosh, artist is aritist after all. Happy Holidays. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/22/06
• Little bro, you got that right. Happy Holidays. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/22/06
• really nice -flyinghog- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 12/22/06
• Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to flyinghog. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/22/06
• Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to rebecca! -书童- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/22/06
• Happy Holidays to 书童. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/22/06
• nice post~~!贝卡姐好歌好帖真多! -lili~- ♀ (23 bytes) (4 reads) 12/22/06
• Little sis, thanks. Wish you have the best Christmas ever. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/22/06
• 景冈山唱道:【思念谁】就像喝了一杯冰冷的水...:)))))) -nes- ♂ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/22/06
• A cup of tea or coffee will warm up. Happy Holidays. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/22/06
• 祝卡卡及全家节日快乐! -磨坊小札- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 12/22/06
• 磨坊, thanks. Happy Holidays to you, too. -林贝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/22/06