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预备 “On guard!” or “Ready!” 一、起势 beginning from 二、左右野马分鬃 parting the wild horse’s man to left and right 三、白鹤亮翅 while crane spreads its wings 四、左右搂膝拗步 brush knee and twist step-left (right) style 五、手挥琵琶 hand strums the lute 六、左右倒卷肱 step back and whirl arms on both sides 七、左揽雀尾 grasp the birds tail (left style) 八、右揽雀尾 grasp the birds tail (right style) 九、单鞭 single whip 十、云手 cloud hand swing 十一、单鞭 single whip 十二、高探马 high pat on horse 十三、右蹬脚 kick with right heel leading 十四、双峰贯耳 strike opponent’s ears with both fists 十五、转身左蹬脚 turn body and kick with left heel leading 十六、左下势独立 push down and stand on one leg left style 十七、右下势独立 push down and stand on one leg right style 十八、左右穿梭 fair lady works at the shuttle 十九、海底针 needle at the bottom of the sea 二十、闪通臂 flash the arm 二十一、转身搬拦捶 turn, deflect downward, parry and bunch 二十二、如封似闭 apparent close-up 二十三、十字手 cross hands 二十四、收势 closing form First Set - Commencement, Part the wild horse's mane (Left, Right, Left), White crane spread its wings Second Set - Brush knee, Play the pipa, Repulse the monkey (Left, Right, Left, Right) Third Set - Grasping sparrow's tail (Left, Right) Fourth Set - Single whip, Cloud hands (1, 2, 3), Single whip Fifth Set - High pat on horse,Right heel kick, Strike with both fists, Turn body and left heel kick Sixth Set - Snake in the grass - Stand on one leg (Left, Right) Seventh Set - Fair Lady play with shuttle (Left, Right), Needle at the bottom of the sea, Fan back Eighth Set - Turn body, deflect parry and strike, Apparent close up, Cross hands, Conclusion

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