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老爸老妈给儿子开了银行户头,可儿子手里的钱还找不到机会放进去。老爸老妈给儿子开户的目的是让儿子学基本的money sense,当然要让儿子参与。所以,昨天,老爸是“百忙”中抽出时间,带儿子去银行存钱。

昨天上午8点半出门,就和儿子讲好,先上9点的游泳课,然后是10点的功夫课。12点老爸接他,然后去银行存钱。一听要存钱,儿子激动得把他的所有money, 还有记录本拿出来,交给老爸。老爸提醒他:“Do you want to keep some money at hand in case you want to spend it?”儿子这才决定留下二十几块钱,交给老爸40块。

昨天的游泳课因学校的football比赛,老师没有心思好好上而提前下课。老爸一看还有时间,马上和儿子赶往银行。到了银行,老爸带着儿子一起排队。轮到儿子,老爸推了儿子一下,儿子上前却不知道说什么。老爸只好提醒:“You want to save money to your account, right?”

儿子连忙点头,把手里的40块钱和记录本递给和颜悦色的cashier。Cashier一面夸奖儿子,一面递过来一张Deposit ticket,告诉儿子:“You have to fill a deposit ticket first if you want to put money into your account.”

老爸接过来,对儿子说:“I will fill for you today. See, we have to fill the date, account number, name, and cash amount. ”老爸边填边让儿子看。很快就好了,再递回给cashier。

Cashier又把头伸出来,对儿子说:“See this back side, you can put number here if you have a check. ” 然后递给儿子一张receipt,告诉儿子:“You are doing great! This is your receipt. You should keep it. I am not going to fill your record book. You know, it is your record, so you should do by youself.”儿子点点头,不知道该说什么。老爸连忙说:“Thank you.”儿子才反应过来,接着老爸说“Thank you.”呢。

回到车上,儿子就开始和老爸讨论钱的事:“Dad, are you going to  give me allowance soon?”

老爸说:“Sure, how about 2 dollars a week?”

“But the Berenstain Bears get 20 dollars a week”儿子拿他读过的书作依据呢。

“Yes. But I should make the decision for how much, right? When you get older, I may give more as allowance. By the way, you also have your responsibility to get allowance, right?”老爸和儿子讨价还价了。

“Ok, what is my responsibility?”

“Get homework and piano practice done nicely everyday. Help mommy clean up your room,too. You can also earn money if you write a good story, such as today about your trip to bank to save your money.”老爸交待儿子。



回到家,儿子在老爸的帮助下,写了十句话的story。老爸给他安排了一个binder,把故事放进去。给他一块钱作奖励。这是为了应付两天前他老师给老妈话:“Your son's reading is super. I have not found another kid to match him  and to read together (几个和儿子水平相当的都去了gifted program). His math is great, too. However, his writing skill needs some improvement.”

