All it takes to achieve success is the right mindset

美女看人生 ----- 想写就写,想唱就唱.如果喜欢就喝个彩,如果讨厌就砸块砖,就怕你不声不想寂寞死... : - )
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No matter in what age it is important to have a postitive attitude in life. It is nothing to do with your academic degree and how much money in your bank. With the right mindset you can change your life and people around you.

Donot judge people even they are out of our normal circle. Learn from people diffrent from us.
Respect yourself have your standards in life. Do speak up when someone  hurt you or your loved ones.

Make friends with same mindset people and encourage each other to your dreams.
Donnot make friends just because they are nice. Your time is limited and find your best circle.
Donnot marry someone just because he/she is rich instead try to be rich yourself.

Believe yourself and make your dreams come true.

pretty_woman 发表评论于
To: 北京宝贝
shake hands! ha ha ...
北京宝贝 发表评论于
i really like what you said. :)