Why blame the bartender for your hangover?(by smokey)

Why blame the bartender for your hangover?smokey
NEW 9/8/2007 6:12:35 PM
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He was only giving you what you requested.

The consumers begged to be saved from the Great Depression of 1990.

Greenspan saved them.

The consumers begged to be saved from the Greater Depression of 2002.

Greenspan saved them.

But now that the consumers owe more than they can ever repay...

And now that Greenspan is busy trying to save a doomed bond fund...

And now that a Great Depression scholar is the Fed chairman...

Whom will the consumers ask save them now?


Thisborrowing binge has hit the point where borrowing does not cure thehangovers anymore. The binge is over. The drunkard can barely move.

Thosewho are incapacitated by the Delerium Tremens are too busy trying tomaintain sanity to blame anyone for their voyage into the unknown.
