English - JiPan - 巴布亚新几内亚,活埋爱滋病人:泥土下凄然喊妈妈。 (图)

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[人权论坛] 巴布亚新几内亚,活埋可怜的爱滋病人:泥土下凄然喊妈妈。

爱滋病,仍然是世纪绝症,至今,无法完全治愈,在恐惧与无知的驱使下,有人甚至残酷的,将患上爱滋病可怜的亲人,活埋,以免自己受到感染。位於印尼东面的,大洋洲岛屿,国家-巴布亚新几内亚(Papua New Guinea),就发生这一种,令人毛骨悚然的事件,逐点;逐点,被掩埋在泥土之下的可怜病人,凄然大喊「妈妈、妈妈」,却没有人伸手,把他拉出死亡之洞。

  巴布亚新几内亚,由爱滋病人,或带菌者,发起的关注组织-Igat Hope,英文解释-「有希望」(There is Hope),成员-马拉贝女士(Margaret Marabe),曾到巴布亚新几内亚南部,偏远的乡村,宣扬,要关心爱滋病人,她表示,一些与世隔绝,或缺乏性教育的村民,对爱滋病感到害怕,害怕到,要把患病的亲人活埋。







Papua New Guinea, buries alive the AIDS person: Under the soil mournful shouts mother. (Chart)
In the reprint - hope world each person, all wants to carry out God's order: Loves the humanity!
Revises some sentences.

[ Human rights forum ] Papua New Guinea, buries alive the pitiful AIDS person: Under the soil mournful shouts mother.

The AIDS, still was century incurable illness, until now, is unable completely to cure, under frightened and ignorant urging, some people even brutal, will suffer from the AIDS pitiful family member, will bury alive, in order to avoid own will receive the infection. Is located the Indonesian east side, the Oceanian islands, national - Papua New Guinea (Papua New Guinea), have this kind, absolutely terrified event, point by point; Point by point, the pitiful patient which buries under the soil, mournful shouted "mother, mother", actually nobody puts out a hand, pulls out him hole of the death.

Papua New Guinea, by AIDS person, either the carrier, initiates the attention organizes -Igat Hope "hopefully", English explanation - (There is Hope), member - Ms. Ma Labei (Margaret Marabe), once arrived south Papua New Guinea, the far away village, publicized, had to care about the AIDS person, she indicated, some was secluded from the world, either lacked the sex education the villagers, felt the fear to the AIDS, was afraid, had the family member which was sick to bury alive.

Ms. Ma Labei said that, she sees with one's own eyes, five AIDS people, "when still has the breath, by the person is buried alive", man, unceasingly buries his head when the silt, pitiful shouting "mother, mother"! Pitiful he hoped the flesh and blood dear ones, can rescue a his life. But, finally he is all buried alive.
In five people which buries alive, some pitiful person, unexpectedly is Ms. Ma Labei cousin. Ms. Ma Labei, cannot bear asks the villagers: "I ask them: "Why has to do this?" They reply me: "If we, let him live, lives under the identical eaves, eats meal together, uses the household utensils together, we also can infect, we also can die." "

The villagers have been direct when said - "the very universal procedure"

Ms. Ma Labei does not have the word. What but is more astonishing, the villagers tell her, buries alive the AIDS person, is they "the very universal procedure", by no means individual example. She appeals the government, with the relief organization, must arrive the far away township suburb area, the AIDS, the correct knowledge instruction gives the people.

Papua New Guinea, the villagers worried receives infects, cruel-heartedly buries alive, the pitiful family member which suffers from the AIDS, the reflection backward area populace, to AIDS error. Actually, the backward local populace, all regard the AIDS like poisonous snake; The beast of prey, in the chart Indian AIDS, the child is abandoned, attains the orphanage to accept.

Papua New Guinea, the population about 6 million, since 1997, each year infection AIDS population, all increased approximately 30%, up to 2005, the about 60,000 people is infected. The United Nations, recently a report pointed out that, this country is facing "the AIDS disaster", the very high sexual violation rate, the sex education is in addition insufficient, all makes the AIDS rapid spread.

Except buries alive the pitiful patient, the villagers, but also can oppressively hit, the sexual violation, even kills. By them, was recognized is "the sorceress" female. Because many villagers, catch an illness the young people, die young, puts the blame on to "the sorceress", executes the black magic to do evil, Australia's brain truster organization - "the independent research center" the publication report, refers to "the woman to suffer the person to beat, shears, the sexual violation with the knife thorn, irons with the hot iron burns. Some woman said that, her womb, is pulled by the person with the metal ". But to the AIDS, knows backwardness, continues Papua New Guinea. Arrives China from Africa, many people to the century incurable illness, have the absurd idea, if South African president, MuBeiJihui meets your excellency to say, the AIDS, does not cause by the AIDS virus, premier said, spreads the lemon juice to be possible to treat the AIDS. Absurd, incredible misunderstanding, to eradicates the AIDS, is absolutely useless.


[人権のフォーラム] パプアニューギニア、可哀相なエイズ人を生き埋めにします:土壌の下で悲しみ痛んでお母さんを叫びます。

エイズ、依然として世紀の不治の病で、今なお、完全に治愈することができなくて、無知な駆り立てを恐れるともとに、甚だしきに至っては人がいるのは残酷で、エイズの可哀相な身内を患いますを、生き埋めにして、自分で感染を受けないようにします。於のインドネシア東側の、オセアニア島、国家-パプアニューギニア(Papua New Guinea)、1種これが発生して、ぞっとする事件、追います;追って、土壌下のを埋められて患者に同情して、悲しみ痛んで大いに「お母さん、お母さん」を叫んで、手を伸ばすことに人がいないで、彼を死亡の穴に引き出します。

  パプアニューギニア、エイズ人から、あるいは保菌者、始めたのは組織-Igat Hopeに関心を持って、英文は-「望みがあります」(There is Hope)を釈明して、成員-マラー貝女史(Margaret Marabe)、かつてパプアニューギニア南部に着いて、辺鄙で遠い田舎、広く宣伝して、エイズ人に関心を持って、彼女は、いくつかは世と断絶して、あるいは性教育の村民に不足して、エイズに対して恐れることと感じて、着くことを恐れて、病気になる身内を生き埋めにしますと表しています。






