The penetration phenomenon looks at 007, rill gentlemen, stock gentleman, a group essence and background. http://www.boxun.com/hero/2007/chenyc/125_1.shtml
- On current democratic strength, with despotic dictatorship influence, fight characteristic. Duplicate friend
Chen Yangchao 2007 - 9 - 6
Thank you Good speech the word! I intensely feel you, is sincere to the friend and is responsible, this is in the current Chinese, extremely commendable! Thanks!
[ Review ] you already died are imminent, only then knew the friend was sincere and is responsible? You too were after all late.
Since rill gentleman, public announcement: Zhang Hongbao's death, with you in several dozens year ago "Written judgement", arrives in the same day, God, gave advance notice your time of death, already was not far!
Your Chen Yangchao, but also in there, opens the eyes the eye to say the lie, announces the others, forever will drop gate of the hell.
But at present is on-line, I by real name, with stock gentleman; Rill gentleman, as well as so-called 007 gentlemen... ... A group waistcoat, this fights, completely from me, explains away for Yuan Hongbing causes. Before, I with rill gentleman, waistcoat the and so on Chen round Mr., young flat head gentleman's confrontation, originally already relaxed. Is following closely as a result of me, discussed the army question repeatedly; With the coup d'etat question, caused me now to become the main attack object.
[ Review ] really is bullshit - you, what qualifications has, defends for Yuan Hongbing? Is Yuan Hongbing three year old child, the honest public figure exposes him, the shameful evidence, wants you to come for his Shanghai injustice?
I felt that, just when pays attention to the hot spot, should take this opportunity, it is necessary to point out, this struggle essence, proposes the reading public, notes, the overseas Chinese politics forum, is the democratic strength and the despotic dictatorship political power, the fierce combat battlefield. This is I publishes, "Just And Evil, Extremely Not War of the Symmetry" reason. At the same time, also wants to take this opportunity, through clarifies me, encounters the personal attack, fabricates a rumor question which the slander slanders, explained the despotic dictatorship influence, at present discredits, distorts the facts the mean Sinister technique which the civil transport person of integrity uses.
[ Review ] has a look, he with a monkey - Mao Zedong crowd, keeps on proclaiming, all is the class struggle!
How in regards this struggle in the essence, is possible between us the view, has some disparities, perhaps is I "the class struggle" the string, stretched too has tightened, perhaps was you, bookishness too heavy some. The under fact, asks you to pay attention with the ponder.
007 (blue sword) gentleman, if really is the clear water Mr.'s ally, comrade, has sat three year Chinese Communist Party's jail (? ? ?) After comes out, why doesn't look? Fulfills duty fulfills responsibility, has been innocent defense attorney Guo Guoting for clear water Mr.? Why doesn't look? Issued "Joint statement" together with clear water Mr., clear water Mr. has specially gone to Thailand to engage, loved the people party invited military adviser Chen Yangchao?
But looks? Repeatedly stated does not inquire about politics, does not permit the forum which manages in him, discusses politics so-called "the religious public figure" rill gentleman?
Wants as soon as to leave prison (? ? ?) Impatiently, comes the malicious manufacture rumor; The slander attacks Chen Yangchao (Chen you the Jin)?
Rill gentleman, really is the religious public figure which does not inquire about politics? He why? Always jumps out in the crucial moment does political - him "Religious Forum" which dominates in him, does not permit to touch the religion to predict, with the realpolitik, essentially, is precisely in typically does the Chinese Communist Party political power which the political - protection The wind and rain floats swings, resembles collapses!
[ Review ] has a look, also is exaggerating a person's offenses!
He again, again, again four again five... ... Firmly continuous, jumps out the spear point direction, furiously challenges Chinese Communist Party's Chen Yangchao, is the open fire holds the weaponry place, assigns the duty in the execution to do politics! Rill gentleman, stock gentleman a group, how so long as my Chen Yangchao does act on behalf of to rescue Zhou Yutian? - But Zhou Yutian the origin is fuzzy, even if likes me like this directly to hit the social dealings person with him, also simply does not know its; Does not know its bottom! Why has to carry on "moral kidnapping"?
Forces my this kind of status the person, comes is I does not know the root; Does not know the whole story, moreover, has the view very much the person hits the warranty? Why doesn't rill gentleman a group, always pay attention to and rescues other, background clear true civil transport person with lofty ideals (for instance current Lu: Geng pine)? Practices the person with Falungong? And, this group people, also already except aimed at Yuan Hongbing's, outside Chen Yangchao, also by the similar technique in website and so on free China, launched an unbridled attack against Guo Guoting and so on people of lofty ideas, even blatantly threatened says -
[ Review ] has a look, he, all is like a clay buddha crossing the river, is unable to defend oneself! What also chitchats "Guo Guoting and so on people of lofty ideas"? ! Asked that, his Guo Guoting is "the people of lofty ideas"? Again asked that, a attorney, unexpectedly did not know what you are dry is usurps state power the big robber, the matter which the talent obtains?
[ Delivering: Tea horse ancient road to Beijing standard time 0.9/06/2007 billion
Subject: Guo Guoting looked, extinguishes Chen Yangchao, received on the wheel to you
[ Abundant news forum ] does not use politely, we engage in a contest." ]... ...
[ Review ] this emperor, already saw Chen Yangchao, the early party walks to this step! Many, in him "the day medicine net", send with pastes: Does best to convince, heartfelt advice: Do not like Wang Jingwei, does not lose the few years! Wang Jingwei, has actually disappointted Wang Jingwei's old year!
Also some many, repeatedly advises his good speech! Coughs, who can think:
1, sends out the naked threat: You walk are looking!
2, unexpectedly "day medicine net" with pastes, completely deletes!
I am a quite sensitive person, often can quite early find the problem. I stressed that, the overseas main Chinese politics forum, has already become the Chinese Communist Party net specially, the will in must seize, "the military commander land that must fight for", was the democratic strength, with the despotic dictatorship political power fierce combat battlefield, is precisely current, China political struggle, an important characteristic and trend!
The Chinese Communist Party is making the rumor, the slander; Slanders the personal attack the method, to influential, the opposition faction public figures initiate the attack, tries hard theirs reputation, does with the image pounds does smelly, loses the prestige in the populace, causes the populace to lack, truly can take on the leadership responsibility leader! This is the Chinese Communist Party had a premonition the building will lean, will adopt guard measure - this also will be precisely the current China political struggle, an important characteristic and trend!
[ Review ] asked ordinary man Chen Yangchao, this is:
1.Http://www.tianyao.org/board/show.php? Board=data1&postno=917
2. "Now in lake networking, also has reflected this kind, the Chinese unique culture phenomenon: In Sichuan, body place factory Mr. Zhang Guotang, read an East and West, the social sciences work and "Holy Bible", blatantly calls self is "Savior Jesus", is self-designated is "the mandate of heaven emperor", wants the world person to submit to him; I have seen, dares in the Bangkok facing the street urination, from Anhui countryside family background, appearance clothes extremely sloppy, farmer Hood Bin, merely the academic society writes several palindromic poems, thinks oneself infallible, "the world literary talent first", also calls self "emperor", the important people support him... ... "
To these trends, with characteristic pointing out, with makes the essential response, is not I, eagerly makes individual vindicating the question, but is comprehensive by a belt, punctures the Chinese Communist Party 17 big eves, plot question. The hope in this point, you and the reading public, can understand my standpoint and the intention! Thanks!
[ Review ] group of honest public figures, others should be, pierces your Chen Yangchao the plot? !
Finally, and what is more, the Chinese Communist Party, already repeatedly disclosed had on the human body, them to think the true match, sets to the deathtrap, the plan and the information - propose you, notes with the reading public, today to I such naked threat:
[ Review ] this is not others, opposes with your this ordinary man Chen Yangchao! Actually your Chen Yangchao has eaten to the full the food, does not have the matter to do, on the Internet, everywhere fans the flames, everywhere provokes the right and wrong!
Asked that, this emperor, offends you in there? Just the opposite, this period of time, massive are provide reliefing you (2,004, 4, 20-2005, 10, 1), you actually on the Internet, everywhere mooch; Everywhere fans the flames - wins over one batch "the person", does any union "the signature", attacks this emperor, has engaged in the massive illegal activities!
Finally, your Chen Yangchao, to "injures someone the start, is going to arrive you, causes self infliction comes to an end"! Completely is your - ordinary man Chen Yangchao, has only self to blame!
Invites, the network friends have a look, God surely is ordinary man Chen Yangchao, for several years, actually have done these:
A.http://www.ncn.org/asp/zwginfo/da-KAY.asp? ID=59367&ad=9/3/2004
D:http://www.qian-ming.org/gb/viewarticle_gb.aspx? VID=569
[ Delivering: The tea horse ancient road (lives in Denmark throws over Chen to be round, to climb a tree to catch a fish... ... The waistcoat) 0.9/06/2007 billion (271 reads) [ accumulates 1960 to the Beijing standard time to apportion tea horse ancient road to send intimate conversation ] this article copyright to have by the tea horse ancient road, the reprint please indicate the author and the source
Subject: Chen Yangchao comes in, stood straight to me? !
[ Abundant news forum ] your Xuanwei County banyan tree cities, are a small county seat, who doesn't know who? ! You, an economical swindler, want to run the overseas, pretends to be the democratic movement veteran, I think you, really is the people is pregnant in the heart.
First asks Chen Yangchao the old fogy, why as soon as runs Thailand, your parents, name - Chen which takes to you you the Jin, the change calls Chen Yangchao?
Significant economical swindler, or feared is issued a warrant for arrest, therefore must trade the name.
My today, but also in analyzes you with the friend, you is in the congenital gene, likes cheating, walks there, cheats there. But you are unusual are not intelligent, has not thought the old debts, but also has not disappeared, how avoids.
Has a look you, looks like has eaten the great elder brother (medicine) pig, only then from domestic, violates the huge economical cheating, as soon as runs overseas, also wants to violate the political cheating... ... Randomly goes against in all directions, this, really went against has an accident, regret also without enough time.
This, is must work as the world person's surface, exactly is peeling your skin, a knife; A knife is exhausted, peels to lets you enter the judicial process.
This is not you, own give oneself looks for the trouble? ! Runs
For unprincipled person person Yuan Hongbing; Unprincipled person Fei Liangyong keeps off the knife, but, at this time, I have not seen, who comes out for your Chen Yangchao speaks. Regretted, all was some swindlers, each other was using each other.
Chen Yangchao the old fogy, I was pondering today, about yours final home to return to question... ...
Repatriates you, returns to the mainland, calculates cheap you. But, I do not do... ...
I, must let you die in overseas, makes a wild ghost! Soul there is no place reposing. ]
- I must warn sternly the Chinese Communist Party: Chen Yangchao, writes from the determination "Privilege Discusses", that day start, under decides has not feared the sacrifice the determination! Has had the mind set on, is unafraid of death manner! If China's democratic enterprise, needs through to bleed awakens the populace, I dare; And is glad to imitate Jesus, calmly faces! The despotic dictatorship tyranny, dares to brave world greatly candidly, Chen Yangchao sacrifices the date, is date of the Chinese despotic dictatorship tyranny collapse! The murderer, also decidedly cannot escape the beyond redemption fate!
[ Review ] oh, but also had not died, this step, greatly is putting the corpse fart? ! Oh, really is the facial skin too is thick! Dares to compare with Jesus! Ha ha!
Your Chen Yangchao, can open "Metempsychosis Card" to be round for Chen, goes to the excess birth reincarnation! Or opens "Metempsychosis Card", you use? ! Next generation is emperor?
Here, explicit tells you Chen Yangchao, you are a malicious ghost? !
Chen Yangchao work every day medicine net:Http://www.tianyao.org
Abundant news networkhttp://www.boxun.com/hero/chenyc/Chen Yangchao anthology
Future Chinese forumhttp://bbs.futurechinaforum.org/Chen Yangchao anthology
Free saint belt of firehttp://www.fireofliberty.org/Chen Yangchao anthology
New century nethttp://www.ncn.org Chen Yangchao anthology
Presently uses E-mail:Suoluomen2006@hotmail.com
Road of ~ human rights the God ~ works this principle
Chinese country Emperor HuDe Bin to Europe. 2007, 9, 7.
我强烈感到您,对朋友的真诚和负责 2007-09-07 04:44:21
透过现像看007、小溪先生、草根先生,一伙的本质和背景。 http://www.boxun.com/hero/2007/chenyc/125_1.shtml
陈泱潮 2007-9-6
他一而再,再而三,再四再五……的,牢牢不休,跳出来把矛头指向,奋力挑战中共的陈泱潮,就是明火执仗地,在执行指定的任务搞政治!小溪先生,草根先生一伙,何以只要我陈泱潮出面援救周育田?——而周育田来历模糊,即使像我这样直接与他打过交道的人,也根本不知道其根;不知道其底!凭什么要进行“道德绑架”?强迫我这样一个身份的人,来为一个我毫不知根;毫不知底、而且,很有看法的人打保票?为什么小溪先生一伙,从来不关注和救援其他,来路清清楚楚真正的民运志士仁人(比如当前的吕耿松)?和法轮功修炼人?并且,这伙人,也已经除了针对袁红冰、陈泱潮以外,又以同样手法在自由中国等网站,大肆攻击郭国汀等等仁人志士,甚至公然威胁说 ——
【送交者: 茶马古道 于 北京时间 09/06/2007
[博讯论坛] 不用客气,我们交锋。”】……
2。 “现在湖联网上,也反映了这一种,中国特有的文化现象:在四川,身处工厂的张国堂先生,读了一点东西方,社会科学著作和《圣经》,就公然自称是“救世主耶稣”,就自命是“真命天子”,要天下人臣服于他;我所见过,敢于在曼谷当街小便的,从安徽农村出身的,形貌衣冠十分邋遢的,农民胡德斌,仅仅学会写几首回文诗,就自以为是,“天下文才第一”,也自称“皇帝”,要人们拥戴他……”
【送交者: 茶马古道(住在丹麦披着陈圆圆、缘木求鱼……马甲者) 于 北京时间 09/06/2007 (271 reads) [累积1960分 给茶马古道发悄悄话]本文版权由茶马古道拥有,转载请注明作者和出处
[博讯论坛] 你宣威县榕城镇,是一个小县城,谁不认识谁?!你,一个经济诈骗犯,想跑来海外,冒充民主运动老兵,我看你,真是民孕在心头。
陈泱潮老家伙,我今天在思考,一个关于你的最终归宿问题 ……
将你遣返,送回大陆,真是算便宜了你。可是,我不干 ……
新世纪网http://www.ncn.org 陈泱潮文集
現在似ていて007、小渓先生、草の根先生を見ることを通して、ひと群の本質と背景。 http://www.boxun.com/hero/2007/chenyc/125_1.shtml
陳泱潮 2007-9-6 あなた
彼何度も、何度も重なって、更に4更に5……の、しっかりとやまないで、跳び出して矛先を指して、力の限りを尽くして中国共産党の陳泱潮に挑戦して、公然とで、指定する任務を実行して政治をやります!小渓先生、草の根先生ひと群、どうして私の陳泱潮だけが必要で表に立って周育田を救援しますか?――周育田の由来はぼんやりさせて、たとえ私のようで直接彼の付き合ったことがあった人とこのようにしますとしても、まったく其根をも知りません;その底を知りません!何に基づいてか“道徳が誘拐します”を行いますか?私のこのようにする1つの身分の人を強制して、来て私の微小なもののために根が分かりません;少しも内情を知っていて、その上なくて、とても不満がある人は保証を打ちますか?どうして小渓先生ひと群、これまでその他を関心を持って救援しないで、出所の極めて明白で本当の民主化邉婴稳蕫郅韦ⅳ胝?xの人(たとえば当面の呂耿松)か?法輪功の修行を積む人とか?しかも、この人、同じくすでに袁紅氷、陳泱潮に対応する以外、また同様な手法で自由な中国などのウェブサイトで、はばかりなく郭国の水辺の平地情け深い正義の人を攻撃して、甚だしきに至っては公然と言うことを脅します ―
【引き渡す者は:はお茶馬古道 北京時間 09/06/2007はテーマは:は 郭国の水辺
の平地は陳泱潮を終わって,が続いてあなたに番になることが見て、消えました [ニュースフォー
ラムを博します] 遠慮する必要はなくて、私達は交戦します。”】…… 【
2。 “今湖はネットワーク化して、1種これをも反映して、中国の特有な文化の現象:四川で、身は工場の張国堂先生につきあって、1時(点)の東方と西方を読んで、社会科学の著作と《聖書》、公然と“救世主のイエス”に自称して、自任するのが“天命を受けて即位した天子”で、天下人を要して彼で臣下として従います;私の見るところは過ぎて、思い切ってバンコクの通り側の小便のにになって、安徽農村からの、形の容貌の身なりは非常にだらしがなくて、農民のHood斌、いくつ(か)の回文体の詩を書くだけをマスターして、独りよがりで、“天下の文才の第1”、“皇帝”をも吹聴して、要人達は彼を推戴します……”
【引き渡す者は:はお茶の馬古道は (デンマークに住んでいて陳をはおっています円、木に縁りて魚を求みます……ベスト者) …に 北京時間 09/06/2007 (271 reads) [1960分累積します お茶に馬古道が内緒話を出すことをあげます]本文の著作権はお茶の馬古道から持って、転載は作者と出所を明記してもらいます
[ニュースフォーラムを博します] あなたの宣の威県の榕樹の都市と町、1つの小さい県政府のある町で、誰が誰を知りませんか?!あなた、1つの経済の詐欺犯、海外が走ってきたくて、民主邉婴喂扭け?顺嗓隃gまして、私はあなたを見て、本当に人民の妊娠が胸のうちにになるのです。
陳泱湿った老いぼれ、私は今日考えて、ひとつはあなたの最終の落ち着き先の問題に関して ……あなたを送
還して、大陸を返して、本当に計算してあなたに安くなりました。しかし、私はしません ……私
陳泱湿った著作は1日の薬ネットに会います:http://www.tianyao.org ニュ
ースネットhttp://www.を博しますboxun.com/hero/chenyc/陳泱湿った文集 未
新世紀ネットhttp://www.ncn.org 陳泱湿った文集