I would like to thank everyone for being here and interviewing me. I am going to give you a presentation about my resume.
My name is ~ ~. I got my bachelor degree at XXX University, a top-10university in China. My major was Japanese. It's funny that I ended upin the US, instead of Japan.
I got my first job at N Company, which was a top-10 Japaneseinternational trading company. I was working as a sales representativedealing with import/export business between China and Japan. This jobbrought me a great learning opportunity. I learned how to work withdifferent people, such as importers, exporters, suppliers and customersin both counties. I learned how to negotiate with them, and how toclose a deal. My communication and interpersonal skills were developedgreatly. During 3.5 years, the business I was in charge of grew from1.5M to 5M. Then, it reached a point, where I felt that import/exportbusiness was too broad and general. I wanted to go to an industry andgain specific industrial knowledge and expertise.
D Corporation presented me with a wonderful opportunity, where I couldnot only utilize my import/export experience, but also have greaterresponsibilities, such as strategic implementation and marketdevelopment. I was reporting directly to the Asia Pacific VP. Since hewas based in the U.S. and only visiting China 5-6 times a year, most oftime, I was working on my own. It takes initiative, self-management andself-motivation to get the job done. From 1995 to 1999, I successfullyimplemented strategic plans, commercialized five products in highlyregulated markets, recruited five exclusive distributors, and developeda strong distribution network. Sales grew from half million US dollarsto 3.4M.
Due to my significant contribution to the company's bottom-line, I waspromoted again from China Office Manager to Export Sales Manager incharge of export sales to China, Japan and Korea. I was transferredfrom Beijing Office to the company's headquarters in IL. In themeantime, D Corporation was acquired by M Company. We all became M'semployees.
As an Export Sales Manager, my responsibilities included pricing,budgeting, production planning, inventory management, and coordinatinginternal production, processing and logistics teams to fulfillcustomer's demand. My focus was gradually transferred from developingthe top-line to watching out the bottom-line. Profit of China salescontinually doubled in 2000. Sales to Japan increased by 30% due tosuccessful delivery of commitments to customers. Sales to Korea weremaintained same during an economic recession.
However, during my work, I realized that I needed to expand myknowledge and understanding in accounting and finance areas. This wasone of the major reasons that I decided to leave M Company and pursuean MBA degree. The second reason was that I believe an advanced US MBAeducation degree would bring me more career advancement opportunitiesin the near future. Thirdly, B-school is a perfect place to meetpeople, make friend, and build my own professional network in thiscountry.
At XXX School, I took 22 credits in accounting and 11 credits infinance. Plus Business Law I took before, I am now eligible for sittingon CPA exam.
In 2003, I got my internship at H Company in the marketing department,which deals with climate control products for residential consumers. Iworked on a distribution project to review the current distributionstrategies, analyze distribution network coverage and ????uate thedistributors' performance. I was able to finish the project under alimited timeline, and provide the management team with meaningfulrecommendations.
Today, I am ready for a new set of challenges and an opportunity tobring all I have learned to a more challenging and rewarding positionat your Company。
Now, I am open for questions. Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks.