Monika Martin (born May 7, 1962) is an Austrian singer. She is an exceptional - one could say - extraordinary person. When she is on stage, it takes a bit of time before one comprehends what is happening and why it is happening. The magic happens because Monika Martin - the person -makes it happen. There are no affectations, no grand airs, just Monika, and that is more than enough.
She brings people into her orbit, whether it's one or thousands. Her voice is immediately recognizable, a quality she shares with all great singers. If you hear it once, you simply don't forget it. She projects a strong character made feminine by a shy, infatuating smile.
My Love For You (Mein Liebeslied) is the title song of her fourth LP. To characterize these 16 songs is difficult because there is practically nothing on the market that is comparable. The tracks are personal, almost intimate. Monika navigates the difficult path between kitsch and art with consummate ease.
The title song "My Love For You" which was also the first single release from the LP demonstrates that Monika's songs are more than just entertainment they are heartfelt communication.
Monika's music is not intellectually based it is emotional. That "goose bumps" feeling that accompanies the soft timbre of her voice, her way of emotionalizing a lyric be it, German or English are all part of the musical magic that is Monika Martin.