2000 年买了 traditional ira,当年报税是no deductable contribution,说明没有减税。
2005 年取出钱时,没有再报税,因为以前也没用它减税。
前天收到irs信,说我们欠xxxx税,2005年的收入加上了traditional ira取出来的钱,结果child credit 也没了,还要交利息。等于这笔钱付两次税。
所有跟贴: |  |
 | • 谢谢! -Mom3- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 9/14/07 |
 | • 这个问题比较少见和复杂,还是问问会计师吧.. -來自大涼山- ♂ (125 bytes) (76 reads) 9/14/07 看看这篇文会不会有些帮助? http://invest-faq.com/cbc/ret-plan-trad-ira.html
其实既然不减税,当时就买Roth IRA 多好? |
 | • 回复:税务麻烦!请帮忙! -飘雪的日子- ♀ (370 bytes) (13 reads) 9/14/07 2000 年买了 traditional ira-----是不是3000刀的那种?那么当年是应该减税的。
2005 年取出钱时,没有再报税,因为以前也没用它减税。-------这就不对了,应该要保税,而且还有10%penalty, why you take the money out???
You have to amend both year return. It might be too late for 2000 year return, but worth to try it. Just mail both in one envelop. Good luck! |
 | • 谢谢!2000年报上也减不了税。 -Mom3- ♀ (56 bytes) (3 reads) 9/14/07
我是这么想得 -漩鞘- ♀ (310 bytes) (14 reads) 9/14/07 1.如果在2000年no deductable contribution,一定要把当年的报税单作为一个back-up to make a copy 作证据给IRS. no deductable IRA YOU MUST BUY Roth IRA.
2.看什么情况提前取IRA without IRS penaty, for first primary home no penaty, your kids's College tuition and expenses, better to ask a 会计师for a detail.
| form 8606 -pinkbear hi, each year when you make a non-deductible IRA, you should file form 8606 and send it to IRS with your tax return (and keep a copy for yourself). you still can file 1040x to amend for the past 3 years' record by adding form 8606 to 2004/5/6's returns. i dont know how you can amend for years prior to 2004, though. good luck.
Call IRS and see what you can do -
march2007- ♀
(307 bytes) (6 reads) 9/14/07 I received these letters from IRS too, I called them and send them more document, although I should pay back some money based on the rule, but IRS decide to close the case without asking me to pay anything.
They send me another letter in a different year, it turn out that their system made a mistake  | • 没有实际经验,不过想 -laoyangdelp- ♀ (206 bytes) (7 reads) 9/14/07 tranditional ira 提前取出来应该有penaty吧,要不大家都存ira,什么时候要用钱了,取出来就是。
可以打电话到irs去问。我们最近刚settle一个case. 结果是irs错。昨天收到irs confirmation for that. 才松了一口气。 |
 | • 回复:税务麻烦!请帮忙! -H&CMom- (579 bytes) (5 reads) 9/14/07 2000 年买了 traditional ira,当年报税是no deductable contribution,说明没有减税。-- 如果因为AGI高的话,是不能减税的。为了避免以后再缴税,你要填一份表(我忘记表号了,你自己去irs查一下),这表是用来跟踪这没有减税的部分。
2005 年取出钱时,没有再报税,因为以前也没用它减税。-- 附上上面所说的表格,没有减税的不分就不再缴税了。但是只是本金不缴税,增值部分还是算你收入,要缴税的。 另外,如果你没有特殊情况(第一次买房头款,高额医疗费,付高教学费等),你是有10%惩罚的。
 | • 回复:税务麻烦!请帮忙! -zengjp- ♂ (188 bytes) (43 reads) 9/14/07 Find your 2000 tax return to see if you deducted it or not.
If not, the contribution is tax free. But the capital gains and earnings need to be taxed. Maybe IRS is asking for that. |
 | • 谢谢! -Mom3- ♀ (187 bytes) (17 reads) 9/14/07 I found yr 2000 tax return and it was no-deductable. IRS added this money to our income to pay tax. I want to make sure it is not correct. We only need to pay for interest part.
 | • 回复:税务麻烦!请帮忙! -税人- ♀ (152 bytes) (30 reads) 9/14/07 File 2005 adjustment return, including IRS withdraw as income and deduct IRS contribution as well. Attach all the documents with an explanation letter. |
 | • 谢谢! -Mom3- ♀ (76 bytes) (18 reads) 9/14/07 So, the IRA withdraw needed to pay tax no matter we deducted or not in 2000? |
 | • 回复:谢谢! -税人- ♀ (70 bytes) (15 reads) 9/14/07 That's right. The withdraw should have been included in your income. |
 | • 谢谢! -Mom3- ♀ (16 bytes) (10 reads) 9/14/07 完了,惨了! |
 | • 回复:谢谢! -税人- ♀ (356 bytes) (3 reads) 9/14/07 Shouldn't be that bad as you can still claim the contribution deduction. The net effect of withdraw income and contribution deduction will be zero in your case. But as withdraw income claim is mandatory and contribution deduction claim is optional, you may face interest penalty. That's why you need to write an explanation letter to ask for forgiveness. |
个人理解 -
夜半精灵- ♀
(223 bytes) (39 reads) 9/14/07 traditional ira 是税前存入的话,其本金及历年所得都需要在取出时交税
 | • 谢谢! -Mom3- ♀ (47 bytes) (12 reads) 9/14/07 完了,好像是税前。但没有用于 tax deduction.
不用担心,只要能找到证据.我有收到过一次IRS的信 -
夜半精灵- ♀
2000 年买了 traditional ira,当年报税是no deductable contribution,说明没有减税。 --- did you record that portion of ira as IRA basis and carry over every year? the question is are you qualified to take the money out of IRA? Assume you are qualified, you can take the money out without counting as your income upto your basis, the amount beyond that will count as your income.