Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca-

海外存知己,天涯若比邻. 我们的共同爱好让我们聚在一起,让我们以食为庆吧!
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咱们的中秋节碗饭给back-to-school night搞砸啦,7:00要赶到,加上停车有限,就吃这个啦.

Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca (with meat version)

Olive oil炒洋葱,大蒜,干辣椒末,anchovy 炒香,加牛肉末 1 LB,再炒干,加 oregano,切碎的番茄 5 个,2 TB capers,1/4 c 切碎的 kalamata olive,烧干一点汁,浇在煮好的面上,拌上切碎的basil,胡椒, 洒上 whole olive, caper, 淋上 olive oil, 洒气司粉,开吃.

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