去年夏天錄製某集【關曉芬高峰會】時訪問了流行樂天王麥可傑克森褻童案辯護律師團成員之一的韓裔律師于蘇珊 (Susan Yu)。 訪談間蘇珊談到成長過程中曾遭受的不平等待遇。她說:”If you don’t speak good English, people think you are stupid” 除了同意蘇珊的看法之外,我對這句話還有了更深的衍生觀察: 說的英文有口音,被譏,被捧其實只有一線之隔,端視你的英文口音是老美眼中定義是【下里巴人】或【陽春白雪】。
"If you don’t speak good English, people think you are stupid"?! I beg to disagree with Susan Yu though I sort of understand her humiliating experience. First of all, what's the definition of "good English" and who are these "people"? For those who judge people only by her/his accent, they are doomed to make terrible mistakes - can anybody please tell me where the ex-governor, Mr Grey Davis, is now?! Even if you speak exactly the same English as the natives(be it American, British, or Australian), you'd get sneered at one way or another as a member of the minority!! I personally think what really matters is the content and the context of your speech/talk/conversation. Only the ignorants and the imbeciles would pick people on the accent alone. Do I really care if they are "people" who "think" I'm "stupid"?! Absolutely not!!! Speaking English, I of course would prefer to express myself clearly and concisely with attention to the grammar. Throwing in a bit sense of humour where I can manage, I don't see why another intelligent fellow human being(native or not) would not respond favourably...