\'They Just Followed Me\'

小东西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小东西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Yesterday, I came downstairs and found two camcorder cables lying in the middle of the family room. So I asked Olivia and Evan who were watching TV at the time.

“Hey, who made this mess and didn’t clean up?”

“Not me.” Olivia immediately answered.

“Not me.” Evan followed.

“Okay, so one of you is not telling the truth. I didn’t do this and Daddy is at work. You know you are going to be punished when you lie and don’t think I can’t figure it out who did this (this last sentence was for Evan as I knew he would believe it even though I had no clue who did it).” And right after I said this, I caught the uneasy look on Evan’s face. Ah-ha!

“Not me!” Olivia cleared herself again.

“Ah…I didn’t put them there, they just followed me.” Evan said.

Creative excuse as it was, he did eventually admit that he did it.
