上周末是一个阳光灿烂的一天,我们3家朋友老老小小14个人一起去hiking。这次我们选的是华州最有名的20个Trail中的第2名- Central Alpine Lakes Loop (Backpacking)
Preview: The 75-mile stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail between Snoqualmie Pass and Stevens Pass is a very popular backpack trip, and it deserves to be. More than 700 lakes and mountain ponds fill practically every low spot in the glacier-carved terrain of this Wilderness. The route is supremely scenic with countless viewpoints, beautiful forests, acres of huckleberries, rugged mountains, and several gorgeous lakes. The entire trip is rather strenuous, however, and it requires either a lengthy car shuttle or careful timing to meet the buses that service both ends. These arrangements are a bit cumbersome, so I recommend doing a loop trip instead. This not only solves the transportation problem but also allows you to sample some of the trail*s best miles without having to work as hard as you would with the full trip. Finally, since you won*t have the mindset of having to get from Point Ato Point B in time to meet the bus, you can set a more leisurely pace and take the time to do several spectacular side trips to some of the most beautiful places in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.
Directions:Dorothy lake trail #1072Drive State Route 2 East going 2.8 miles west of Skykomish, Washington. Turn South (right) onto the Old Cascade Highway (Money Creek Campground). The road is the last right turn before the highway tunnel. Drive the Old Cascade Highway for 1 mile then turn South (right) onto the Miller River Road (FS #6410) for 9.5 miles to the roads end at the trailhead.
Length: Round Trip = 14 miles
Difficulty:Rated from Moderate, to Difficult, to Hard - Depending what section of the trail you are on.
Elevation Gains: Start = 2200 feet High Point = 3800 Feet
Permits: Northwest Forest PassFree Day Use and Overnight permits required at all Alpine Lakes Wilderness Trails. Available at Ranger Stations and Trailhead.*
Information -- For updates on road and trail conditions, contact the Skykomish Ranger District at 360-677-2414 or visit the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Web site at www.fs.fed.us/r6/mbs/recreation/
红方块标记的就是Lake Dorothy
在6410这条路上开9.5 miles 到达trail 入口,一路上金黄色的树叶让我们感到秋天美好的色彩。就象徜徉在秋天的童话里。这条路是石子路如果不是开的SUV,车子要小心了。