来源: 股市流氓 于 06-02-26 15:24:56
关键是 找成功率最高的交易。如果A交易2笔,1笔赚10刀,1笔赔9刀,也只赚了1刀。
来源: 股市流氓 于 06-02-26 14:43:24
与天斗,与地斗,与人斗 炒股真是其乐无穷
回答: 给你说说我买JAVA的原因 由 jinjiangchake 于 2007-10-21 09:16:27
I like Java too. It seems Sun can not take advantages of it, since you always have too many choices on tools such as IDE, Application Server, Web Server, etc.
Wall Street has always been chasing new leaders.
Several years ago, they were chasing shing stars such as CSCO, SUNW, ORCL, INTC, MSFT, etc. Now they changed the targets. The old stars may survive and just become irrelavant in the new game. Who cares about CSCO or Oracle too much now?