Notes for 20071022

来源: 瞎问瞎说 于 07-10-21 21:54:42
假如续跌不妨试试long put,再用short put止赢,等翻转收long put留short put慢慢挣时间价值和反弹减值。假如上来就强烈反弹,不妨等等看。

来源: 都是国人 于 07-10-21 22:04:44


当时前几天做牛, 那天INTC出报告之前进去的, 盘后就涨, 第二天缺翻了盘, 有STOP-PROFIT单, 执行, 利润甚小.

开始意识到市场回探可能, 近来一直有空仓,

但周五如此深, 放好了STOP, 保护利润,

同时卖PUT, 如果走深, 有货撑撑, 否则吃些PUT

现在夜里几次在1495转, 我在上下用STOP下单, 想抓风, 破1497,我是买, 破1492我是卖...
见好用short put为短期货止赢不错?    -瞎问瞎说
顶!不过short 1375p不是担心破,是担心是否有钱顶住马金靠!  
来源: 瞎问瞎说 于 07-10-21 21:41:45

就算要write 1375p也不妨等15分钟线出现明显翻转信号。中期看牛在这一瞬间暂时同意,但是向下的过度反应会让naked puts承受巨大压力,不能不防!瞎说的,仅供参考。

today's action is significant  
来源: ntrader 于 05-05-10 14:34:27
 Rumors that some hedging funds got hit hard by overinvesting in GM bonds and shorting GM stocking sent market south in a big way today. Many may wonder why such rumors have anything to do with overall stock markets. But it is very significant.

Regardless of what the (hedge fund) rumors are, today highlights the risks inherent in this market where a lot of money was made because of the easy money the Federal Reserve provided," said Peter Boockvar, equity strategist at Miller Tabak & Co.

"Now the Fed is raising rates -- this is the unwinding of a lot of the credit excess the Fed created," Boockvar said. "Rumors like this are just the beginning."
