Energy and Environment

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.
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I was the table topics master of a Toastmaster club near my home. I prepared the table topics; however, I could not find the sheet of paper with all my ideas. I have to do the table topics all from my mind.
Table topics session is the funnest and most challenging part of a Toastmaster meeting. It has the widest participation, almost everyone need to go to the podium to give a table topic. It is one to two minutes improptu speech. Once you have the qeustion or topic from the table topics master, you have to response quickly, think on your feet.
The theme of the table topics I prepared is Energy and Environment. I have been working on this subject for many years and I am very familiar with this topic. Even though I lost my notes, I could present the table topic very well. I felt that I did a real good job yesterday. I stuttered during the presentation; however, I really feel that the stutter does not have much negative affect on my communication skills. I gave a little background of the alternative energy resource of each, and then I asked club member to present his/her view of the problem. It was a very hard problem for most of them because they are not in science and technology area. I rephrased the topic to everyday life so they can relate to. We discussed oil, coal, biomass, hydro electric, solar, wind and nuclear energy. Besides the alternative resources, we also discussed about the impact on environment of the using of fossil fuels. Human being has lived on the earth for thousands of years. We lived with our nature harmonically and in a self-consistent way before industrial revolution. After industriallization, we started to exploit our natural resources. We have used up more than half of the fossil fuels during last two hundred years. Now we are heavily rely on the fossil fuels. The US import 10 million barrels of oil per day. The oil price sored over $80/bbl in last week. We should develop a strategy to solve this problem. The most prominent solution is go for renewables and nuclear.
We also talked about impact of energy conservation, such as recyling of recyclables. Jene who is from Japan talked about the sophisticated recyling system of Japan. We talked about how to save energy in our homes. We also talked about global warming issues. I was told that the table topics were challenging, but they like it.

东坡居士 发表评论于
Thank you for your interest. It is really a very imoportant topic. We are using up the fossil fuels in two hundred years which were deposited through millions of years. We are facing energy crisis, especially transportation fuel crisis. There are some ways to produce transportation fuels from coal, natural gas and biomass. Coal will be the first pick because of its abundancy. However, using of coal will produce 80% more CO2 emissions than petroleum. Solar energy would be a wonderful choice. However, the price is too high. Nuclear energy (fission) may be a interim solution. If nuclear fussion was controlled and could be used for power generation, the prolbem will be solved. However, there is no hope at all currently. It was predicted the nuclear fussion power is still several century away.
The best way to solve the problem is: 1. increasing energy efficiency, 2. lowering living standards, 3. recycle.
papoose 发表评论于
Interesting. "I have been working on this subject for many years..." as a research scientist or teacher?

It's absolutely a good topic, across disciplines, relevant to our everyday life, and tremedous impact to our future.

I've been thinking of doing more for the community in this area: how could each citizen (adults and children) can do more about converving energy and promoting alternative energy. What kind of collaboration can be made on a global scale? Hope to hear your advice.