Feedback from a recovered stutter (2) ZT

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.
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Please allow me to rexplain myself.. Perhaps, I wasn't clear.

I already can speak 100% fluently in all situations including public

speaking, etc-- without any technique. I also know that I have always

been able to. I CHOOSE not to, however, because I make PEACE my

highest priority and my technique is now my ACCENT.. It is PART of

me... I do not conciously use it-- It is generally a subconscious,

automatic act. Thus, to "unlearn" it-- I would need to spend time and

effort-- much as someone w/ an accent would have to do to change

their accent. Since my technique is automatic and since there is

nothing negative about it, I have no motivation to invest the time or

energy in "bettering myself" in that way--since I am more than

content w/ my current self. If, in contrast, my technique were still

a safety device or something that I relied upon--or something that

required conscious effort, then your ideas would be right on target.

Since, however, I speak fluently w/ or without technique---but speak

WITH technique unconsciously [even in my sleep, my wife says!]...and

speak WITHOUT technique only w/ concentrated effort [because speaking

w/out technique is no longer natural to me], it's not.

When I say "with effort"-- I mean that the same concentration a new

guy would need to speak w/ technique--is the conc. I would need to

speak w/out it-- perhaps technique is the wrong word-- It has simply

become ME-- my accent.. my way of speaking..

When I moved from NY to Florida, I gradually lost my NY accent, but I

am not going to spend months doing exercises to practice getting it

back. Same analogy applies here : )