Conversation between two recovered stutterers-use of technique 3

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.
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Those are all great points--and they are stages that I, too,

encountered.. I just went a bit of a different way than you did--as

we are all unique! About 12 months into it, I realized that we could

be fluent w/ technique but that we really sort of were just closet

stutterers then--supressing it--and I overcame that, in part, through

a technique called "Education and Demonstration"---beyond the scope

of this email-- subsequent NLP, reframing, EFT, and hypnosis helped

further.. by the end of year #2-- I knew that I wasn't hiding nor

supressing ANYTHING-- so yes, I evolved past that--but am fully aware

that some technique users get stuck there.

re: emotion etc.-- In the beginning, when technique required

concentration that was [an unwarranted] concern that most early users

have.. as you can see in the video-- I certainly wasn't supressing

any emotions, hehe--and that video was made 18 months into it--I am

now over 3 years into it...

In fact, if you would like to see my CURRENT up to date speaking--

here is a "live in concert" video from THIS WEEK-- where I was hired

to speak at a "celebration of hope" event..

Although technique was "used"-- I assure you that neither technique

nor blocking nor hiding--nor anything of the sort was on my mind at

any time:

**THIS video-- is even more "definitive" of what we can all become--

I believe--than the older one I've posted b4
