Boss\'s day card

Oct 16th was Boss's Day, I sent these two cards to two attendings 

Don't try it if you are not sure whether your boss would appreciate this kind of humor. :D

落花飘零 发表评论于
thank you guys for enjoying the cards with me, hehehe.

anti-stockfox, i am sure he won't be mad because we have done much worse things before, hehe, very malignant, and he has never been mad with us. he only got upset if we behave careless in patient care.
Ruby@Cuisine 发表评论于
Thank god, it's Monday~~~~HooooHoooo
anti-stockfox 发表评论于
zhaoju2000 发表评论于
To the first one: Ha Ha Ha!
eric_in_chicago 发表评论于
wow, TGIM, good one.
AppleFlower 发表评论于
Funny. :)
静水苍兰 发表评论于