谢谢各位,,特别是亲奈可奈滴五天MM,,,,,,俺决定,第一,先要把他喂得肥肥滴;第二,多夸夸他(不过这家伙跟俺差不多,没夸的时候尾巴已经在天上了,一夸就不像个人了)。这个making him do pushups and situps sounds great, i'll try this...nothing else is working now,,,,啥啥123,outline punishment,,,这个健体强身滴办法听起来真不错,再次谢谢5天MM~~~~~~~~~
我有个教钢琴的朋友说教中国父母的preschool小孩钢琴最大的问题是不能对他们太严格要求,因为他们的父母很怕小孩子吃那些练钢琴基本功的苦,明明弹得很差和一听就一个星期没练琴也要夸他们Wonderful。结果呢就是考不上级,她同时教的另外三个韩国preschool小孩就全考上了,这六个小孩都是同一级别都是4 to 6 岁左右。问题就出在中国父母盲目的夸小孩,并和我朋友说:"You are too intense!" 我朋友解释给他们听练基本功的重要性,但那几个中国妈妈就把我朋友给炒掉了。我说这麽多就是想要四黑了解对小孩子要三合一,严格,表扬,关心。没有小孩子喜欢被纪律规管的,但小时不教大了就很难学会律己律人了。好了下面是我帮四黑网上找的答案,叁考一下下吧,大家不同意我观点的用点面包啥的砸我就算了吧,我还没吃早餐呢,嘎嘎嘎~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I know how you feel. my boy is now 6 and I always had a problem with disipline. I'm ex army and my husband is active army. I tried everything. He ended up being adhd and we had to find an outlet for all of his extra energy and be a punishment. I started making him do pushups and situps like you would do in the army when you get in trouble. He was 4 yrs old when we started and he would only have to do 4 of one instead of time out. now hes 6 and does about 10-15 of one or less depending on the "crime". He almost never gets into serious trouble now. Even his now 4 yr old sister who is completly normal (not hyperactive) does theese punishments. It works great as long as you dont go over board. Also I use the techniques in the parenting book called 1-2-3 magic. I would tell every parent to read and use this book as the ultimate parenting help book ever. When I count from 1 to 3 my kids know they need to get up and straighten up if the dont want to loose tv,game or friend time. Youll do fine "
Gosh, I can completely sympathise with you. I'm is more or less the same boat,but this has worked for me.1. giving him a choice of either doing what is asked of him or facing a punishment. 2. if he still doesn't listen then i repeat what i have said but outline what the punishment will be, wheich changes depending on the situation (loosing privalages, time out etc). 3. If i still don't get the response i want then i let him know that i will count to 10 and then implement the punishment. i tell him that he has till 10 to consider the punishment that is coming to him.... i've seen that counting slowly normally does the trick and makes him listen. but the key to this is the consistency...initially the first 3-4 time when i did this, he didn't respond so i had to go thru with the punishment. when he realised that it would happen every time, he started responding. the other thing i have learnt is to keep very calm thru this whole process and not raise my voice,easier said than done..i know!