
Britney: You Snooze, You Lose?
by Natalie Finn Thu, 4 Oct 2007 04:51:06 PM PDT
Who would have guessed that in her new single, "Gimme More," Britney Spears is actually talking about sleep?
The besieged pop star reportedly snoozed through two court-ordered drug tests before a family court commissioner turned custody of her two children over to ex-husband Kevin Federline on Monday.
Sources close to the proceedings told the Los Angeles Times that Spears' assistant twice informed the testing lab that her boss was asleep and then on another occasion told the technicians that Spears would be unavailable to take a test at home.
文章题目是:You Snooze, You Lose?
snooze的意思是:To take a nap/doze/brief sleep, typically during the daytime hours. Usually short in length, and used to rest up before an actvity.
I am going to take a snooze for a minute. Wake me when it's time to leave.
布兰妮以睡觉为籍口拒绝接受毒品检查,使她又失去了儿子的探视权。因而,文章题目用了You snooze, you lose.
而实际上这只是其中之一意。在美国 You snooze, you lose 是一条常用slang,建议他人把握大好时机,切末错过。
但翻查遍手头字典、资料,上网google,仅在 urbandictionary.com上看到You snooze, you lose这条slang的解释:
an expression which states that anyone will miss out on a great opportunity if they don't remain aware
笔者是个懒人,不爱动。‘美’友们周末喜欢满世界跑,我便经常听到这句:You snooze, you lose. 另外,好像有的咖啡杯上也印着这句话;再有,体育比赛时,教练及队友间也常用此互相激励。
所以上文题目 You Snooze, You Lose?, 一语双关,既道出布兰妮惹祸的事实所在,又给予中肯的建议。笔者认为可翻译成中文:醒醒吧,过了这个村就没那个店