12m well baby visit

this blog is meant for my little precious
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weight: 20lb 12oz

height: 29"

HC: 46cm

teeth: 6 (4U, 2B)

both height and weight are 50%, only gained 9oz for the past 3 months. PD asked a lot of questions to check why baby gained so little weight. when she found out baby is very active, she accepts that figure.

PD is not happy with baby's thumb sucking habit. although it hasn't done any damage to the teeth but according to the PD, it's best to stop baby from thumb sucking now. i started to tell baby "do not suck your finger" "take your finger out", she could understand me but reluctantly follows. in order to redirect her attention. i taught her little game to play - use hand to cover mouth, remove hand and cover the mouth again, make "wow" sound. she picks it up very fast and seems to enjoy it. but when i tried to stop her from thumb sucking while rocking her to sleep, she protested and tried very hard to put the thumb back to her mouth. i hope she could drop this habit in a month time.

baby refused to be nursed for 2 consecutive nights before sleep. she seems ready to wean from breastmilk and i think soy milk is a good replacement. the PD agrees soy milk is equally good when comparing to cow whole milk. the baby could get sufficient fat from other food, esp dairy products.

PD is not particularly worry about baby's speech progress, she said it's pretty normal for a 12m to say 1-2 words but understand and recognise objects. however, baby should be able to say many words, even combinations by 18m; if not, something is wrong.

when talking about MMR vaccine, before i could finished my questions about the relationship of the vaccine and autism, PD already knew what was i going to ask. she briefly explained to me there is no proof these two are related and the vaccine is very safe. PD said baby is responding to me all the time, showing high interest to her surrounding and showing great affection to me, hence, baby is not autistic. however, there is still chances that baby could turn out to be an autistic child in the future and PD said as a parent i should continously observe for any signs of autism.

when i tell PD i will hold on egg white and other food that easily cause allergic reaction, she seems surprise but finally gave a "yes" after i explained i worry baby might get bad gene from a mother who is allergic to many things. PD believes if baby is allergic to certain thing, the allergic reaction should have been shown by now. but i do not agree with it because i had my very first allergic reaction until i was adult.

to my surprise, the PD finds baby slightly yellowish but said that is normal for a heavy carrot diet baby.

flu shot was not given because the father doesn't want baby to have it on every flu season. he wants baby to build her own immune system by herself.

baby doesn't show signs of fussiness or fever after shots.

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