沙茶酱炒牛肉, 烤salmon

海外存知己,天涯若比邻. 我们的共同爱好让我们聚在一起,让我们以食为庆吧!
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沙茶酱炒牛肉—用ROLL的处理牛肉的方法,也是买的FLANK STEAK,牛肉两面敲一敲,逆文路切,放一点苏打粉水,捏一捏,放蛋清, 捏一捏, 放生抽,酒,捏一捏, 加淀粉,又捏一捏,最后拌一点油, 进油锅, 炒断生,取出, 油锅炒香洋葱,加2勺沙茶酱,1勺酱油,1/2勺糖,炒一炒,加牛肉拌匀,好了.


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凉拌海薾和北极贝—柠檬汁,盐,味精,麻油,香菜,姜丝, 海薾(泡过水,烫过开水), 北极贝(解冻,冲过冷水).

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烤salmon- salt and pepper both sides of salmon, place salmon on a bed of thinly sliced sweet onion on a baking tray, mix mayo and Dijon mustard (4:1), spread this sauce over salmon top. Pre-heat oven to 500F, bake salmon for 10 min, make sure do not over bake salmon, the center should be still little pink. I like to bake this for my parties and my friends love it. If you have some dill to sprinkle on top, it'll look very nice to serve for your parties.

Rosemary and garlic flavored roasted finger potatoes and carrots, steamed broccoli as sides.

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