方显英雄本色-- 股市投资探讨
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 As I expected one week ago,  OIH has completed "head and shoulder" pattern today and breach the neckline at 50 DMA ( 188.41) just one day before FED meeting announcement. It will continue the trend baring Fed not take action on rate cut.

Gold also start to retrive from it's recent highs.  US steel reported disappointed ER today sent stock -7% off. It encountered weak demand from both US and Europe. This has provided further evidence that the recent rally of Steel are driven by liquidity and devaluded dollar instead of demand.

OIH, GLD and all base Metals are due for a pull back baring FED does not take action tomorrow.  Today's show is sinfonia.

( I lost 1 hour written content and don't want to write again.)

Take care.
