读书笔记:Ordinary people extraordinary wealth

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This is a relative old book I borrowed from library, however, some points are still valuable

secret 1: They carry a mortgage on their home even though they can afford to pay if off.

secret 2: They don't diversify the money they contribute to their employer retirement plans

secret 3: Most of their wealth came from investments that were purchased for less than $1000

secret 4: They rarely move from one investment to another

secret 5: they don't measure their success against the Dow or the S&P 500

secret 6: They devote less than three hours per month to their personal finances

secret 7: Money management is a family affair involving their kids as well as their parents

secret 8: They differ from most investors in the attention they pay to the media.

In summary, save as much as possible, invest in retirement plan, not to trade too often, buy quality company, stay for the long term. this book collect a lot of real people(client)'s comment on different topics. Interesting reading.