8月,皇军让缅甸“独立”,昂山出任“战争部长”,他的“自卫军”也就更名“缅甸国防军”(BNA)。到1945年日本式微了,他便与在印度的英国当局暗通款曲,于3月向皇军发起突然袭击。3月27日这一天就成了“光复日”,而昂山摇身一变又成了“反法西斯自由联盟(AFPFL)”主席,准备参选总统。在与英国谈判中昂山不断以“暴力”,“非暴力”,“两者一起上”来威胁英国人,耍尽无赖以求在缅甸独立中得到更多权力,期间并血腥镇压了不愿向他效忠的 Keren人。Keren人是西藏人在缅甸的一脉,一直忠于英国,并在二战中打击过日军和昂山的“独立军”。当时英国总督和丘吉尔都极反感这个昂山,称他是“叛国暴乱的头头”("traitor rebel leader",[1])。
[1] Martin Smith (1991). Burma - Insurgency and the Politics of Ethnicity. London and New Jersey: Zed Books,
[2] Aung San Suu Kyi (1984). Aung San of Burma. Edinburgh: Kiscadale 1991。
Aung San
Britannica Concise
born 1914 ?, Natmauk, Burma
died July 19, 1947, Rangoon
Nationalist leader of Burma (Myanmar).
He led a student strike in 1936 and became secretary-general of a nationalist group in 1939. He accepted Japanese aid in raising a military force in Burma that helped the Japanese in their 1942 invasion. However, he came to doubt that the Japanese would ever allow Burma to become independent and grew displeased with their treatment of Burmese forces, and in 1945 he switched to the Allied cause. After the war, he effectively became prime minister and negotiated Burma's independence, which was agreed on in 1947; he was assassinated before independence was achieved in 1948.
From Britannica Concise Encyclopedia