
Add an explosion of fiery hues to your yard this fall with these trees and shrubs.

1.Sweet Birch

A beautiful tree, we love sweet birch for its cinnamon-colored peeling bark and triangular dark green leaves that turn beautiful golden-yellow in fall.

Name: Betula lenta

Growing Conditions: Sun to shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 50 feet tall

Zones: 3-7

Native to North America: Yes

2.Sugar Maple

A great, extra-reliable tree that makes a big statement in fall, sugar maple offers gorgeous red, orange, or yellow end-of-the-season leaves.

Name: Acer saccharum

Growing Conditions: Sun to shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 70 feet tall

Zones: 4-8

Native to North America: Yes

3.Burning Bush

This tough shrub earned its common name because of its autumn hues: In fall, the foliage turns glowing shades of red and pink. It\'s a knock-your-socks-off plant!

Name: Euonymus alatus

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: To 20 feet tall

Zones: 4-8

Native to North America: No

4.Japanese Maple

One of the best-known plants for an autumn show, Japanese maple turns on their glowing shades of red, orange, or yellow at season\'s end.

Name: Acer palmatum

Growing Conditions: Shade to part shade and moist, but well-drained soil

Size: To 25 feet tall

Zones: 6-9

Native to North America: No


This top-notch tree looks beautiful throughout the year. Its dark green leaves make a nice foil for the late-summer, white camellia-shape flowers. In fall, the leaves turn festive shades of orange, yellow, and red.

Name: Stewartia pseudocamellia

Growing Conditions: Full sun and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 70 feet tall

Zones: 5-8

Native to North America: No


Slow-growing ginkgo adds grace to the landscape; its fan-shaped leaves are among the most elegant of any tree. In autumn, they show breathtaking shades of luminous, golden-yellow. After the leaves drop, you\'ll be waiting for next fall.

Name: Ginkgo biloba

Growing Conditions: Sun to shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 100 feet tall

Zones: 4-9

Native to North America: No

7.Amur Maple

Another top-notch maple for fall color, Amur maple is a small tree or large shrub (depending how you prune it) that bears bright red leaves in fall.

Name: Acer ginnala

Growing Conditions: Sun and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 25 feet tall

Zones: 3-7

Native to North America: No


An incredibly tough shrub, sumac provides some of the brightest red color you\'ll see in autumn. One note, though: While extra-tough and beautiful, sumac is a fast spreader and is not a great choice for small-space landscapes.

Name: Rhus typhina

Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil

Size: To 15 feet tall

Zones: 3-8

Native to North America: Yes


A plant for season-long beauty, we adore serviceberry for its display of white springtime flowers, delicious summer fruits, and amazing orange and red fall foliage.

Name: Amelanchier canadensis

Growing Conditions: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 20 feet tall

Zones: 3-7

Native to North America: Yes


Dogwoods look great just about any time of year. They\'re most loved for their white or pink springtime flowers, but don\'t overlook the gorgeous purple-red tones they\'ll bring to your fall landscape.

Name: Cornus kousa

Growing Conditions: Sun to shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 25 feet tall

Zones: 5-8

Native to North America: No


This rounded shrub offers beautiful clusters of white flowers in spring, then bright foliage in warm shades of red come autumn. Those eye-catching leaves are accented by ruby-red fruits.

Name: Viburnum trilobum

Growing Conditions: Sun to part shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 15 feet tall

Zones: 2-7

Native to North America: Yes

12.Sweet Gum

Sweet gum\'s star-shape leaves turn a kaleidoscope of colors -- including red, orange, and burgundy -- giving the landscape a carnival feel at season\'s end.

Name: Liquidambar styraciflua

Growing Conditions: Sun to shade and well-drained soil

Size: To 80 feet tall

Zones: 6-9

Native to North America: Yes

13.Bald Cypress

A fooled-you plant come autumn, bald cypress looks like an evergreen conifer. But in fall, the needles turn russet-red before dropping from the tree, revealing the tree\'s dramatic architectural shape that you can enjoy all winter.

Name: Taxodium distichum

Growing Conditions: Sun and moist or wet soil

Size: To 120 feet tall

Zones: 5-10

Native to North America: Yes


A wonderful but underused shade-loving shrub, fothergilla offers blue-green foliage in spring and summer. Its leaves reveal warm shades of gold and orange in fall. And fothergilla has honey-scented springtime flowers to boot.

Name: Fothergilla major

Growing Conditions: Shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 6 feet tall

Zones: 5-8

Native to North America: Yes

15.Virginia Sweetspire

Enjoy this great shrub for months. In summer, it offers fragrant white flowers. Then in autumn, it develops rich purple-red leaf color. Plus, it\'s very easy to grow.

Name: Itea virginica

Growing Conditions: Full sun to part shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 10 feet tall

Zones: 5-9

Native to North America: Yes

16.Oakleaf Hydrangea

One of our favorite shrubs for shade, oakleaf hydrangea offers beautiful clusters of white blooms in summer, then wonderful burgundy fall foliage.

Name: Hydrangea quericifolia

Growing Conditions: Shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 6 feet tall

Zones: 5-9

Native to North America: Yes

17.Witch Hazel

A true plant for autumn, witch hazel leaves turn golden-yellow in fall. As they drop, they\'re joined by delightful spidery yellow flowers.

Name: Hamamelis virginiana

Growing Conditions: Shade and moist, well-drained soil

Size: To 12 feet tall

Zones: 3-8

Native to North America: Yes
