Rhythm Of The Rain

秋天含蓄蕴藉, 饱历了春的繁盛、夏的热情,不再追逐浮华与赞誉,愿静静地、悄悄地融入一片淡淡的秋光之中。秋天很美,美在一份清澈。。。
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接连几个星期, 似乎都在过节了。上上周末中秋节, 上一个周末“十一”国庆节。这一星期,加拿大的传统节日“感恩节”。 

过节期间, 和家人打电话是免不了的。特别是恰逢感恩节,向家人表示一下感谢,是非常应该的, 即使有些不太习惯。 记得上周和妈妈通电话, 妈妈顺口问道:“国庆节你们放几天假啊?”,我大笑,说:“妈妈, 我们不放假”。妈妈一下翻过味来, 自嘲到:“唉,过节也不放假”。不过, 这次过感恩节, 我们是要放假的。长周末,三天,自己另外请假一天,共四天。 原准备到美国玩一玩或者去阿岗昆省立公园赏枫,种种原因, 都要取消了。

窗外不知什么时候淅淅沥沥下起雨来,丝丝细雨轻轻地飘落在满地的枫叶上,发出沙沙的声音。匆匆地走出屋门,在路灯发出的悠悠的灯光下,漫无目的地走远,独自感受一片浪漫的旋律。想起了“Rhythm of the Rain”这首美妙的歌曲, 熟悉的曲调似乎在空中回响,美丽,悲伤。


Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again

The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know
That when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart

Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don't care
I can't love another when my hearts somewhere far away

The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart

[Instrumental Interlude]

Rain won't you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I've been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again

Oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter pater, pitter pater
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter pater, pitter pater


彩云满天飞 发表评论于
走了的, 心里亦未必好受~~~


虽然有点忧伤, 歌手还是将其处理的轻快潇洒~~~
多伦多的秋天 发表评论于
彩云,这是一首曾经风靡世界的老歌,旋律优美,节奏欢快,歌词充满了感伤。心爱的女人离我而去,留我在淅淅沥沥的雨水中独自流泪,雨水和泪水交织在一起,我已经分不清是雨水还是泪水。 太悲伤了。
彩云满天飞 发表评论于