
P a s t … P r e s e n t..  F u t u r e
P a s t

Well now let me tell you about the past.

Past is filled with silent joys and broken toys

Laughing girls and teasing boys

Was I ever in love?

I called it love

I mean it felt like love

There were moments when...

Well there were moments when...
P r e s e n t

Go out with you?

Why not?

Do I like to dance?

Of course

Take a walk along the beach tonight?

I'd love to

But don't try to touch me

Don't try to touch me

Cos that will never happen again

Shall we dance?
F u t u r e


Well tomorrow is a long way off

Maybe some day 1'11 hold somebody's hand

Maybe somewhere someone will understand

You know I used to sing a tisket a tasket

A green and yellow basket

I'm all packed up and I'm on my way

And I'm going to fall in love

But at the moment it doesn't look good

At the moment it will never happen again

I don't think it will ever happen again...

BlackOrchid 14-Nov-2007

(Please click to enjoy: BlackOrchid's Blog)   Please click to enjoy: Five Balls Of Life )


When I read The Past, Present and Future, it reminds me of a saying:

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That is why we call it the present.
林贝卡 发表评论于

Very touching indeed.
林贝卡 发表评论于

Yes, she is.
LiYouCai 发表评论于

So touching!
夜光杯 发表评论于

林贝卡 发表评论于

Thank you. You have a wonderful week, too.
虔谦 发表评论于
很美丽, 很简单, 又有些忧伤深奥....

问候贝卡! 新的一周快乐美好!
林贝卡 发表评论于

My little sis,

Thank you so much for sharing it.

Have a nice Sunday,

Blackorchid 发表评论于
Dear Sister Rebecca, Thank you so much for your pleasant liking it. It's my pleasure.
林贝卡 发表评论于

When I read The Past, Present and Future, it reminds me of a saying: Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That is why we call it the present.