记得那是刚到学校的秋天,学校的一切对我来说,是如此的陌生而又兴奋。我应John的邀请,去参加了由台湾人主办的迎新picnic。那天的天气真好,来了许多的同学,每个人都佩戴着name tag, 以便大家互相认识。有各种各样的美味食品和饮料。在picnic上,我认识了Thomas and Felita,Thomas来自台湾,温文尔雅,文质彬彬,他在读工程学的博士; Felita来自香港,娇小玲珑,温柔善良,她在读国际关系的硕士,他们俩都是虔诚的基督徒。他们周末都去教堂作礼拜,周五也去查经班上学习,Felita不时地邀请我去参加。
查经班是每周五在莲秋的家里举行,莲秋和他的先生都是台湾人,热情和蔼,他们俩都在工程系读硕士,他们有一个可爱的女孩叫翡芘,翡芘大约六岁左右,能唱会跳,给大家带来了许多的乐趣。来查经班的大部分是学院的同学,也有在邮局工作的John和李妈妈等。大家在一起学圣经,唱圣歌,莲秋的先生弹得一手好吉他,他就为大家伴奏。查经结束后,it was social time, 大家都轮流带来点心。一边品尝点心,一边聊天。It was very relaxing. 莲秋的家给我们远在异国他乡读书的学生,带来了许多的温馨。莲秋和他的先生毕业后,带着他们的女儿翡芘,回台湾工作了。
毕业后,Thomas在加州找到了一份工作,Felita就随Thomas就去了加州,在那里结婚成家了。一年后,有了一个可爱的女孩, 名叫Truth. 可是伤感的是,Felita在怀孕期间就被诊断患了胃癌。当时Felita执意要生下孩子,医生无法作治疗化疗等。Truth 平安健康地诞生了,可是Felita经过多方治疗无效,在生下Truth一年后,就去了天国。Felita, may you rest peace. Miss you during the holiday seasons.
May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year. May peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.
Thank you, Rebecca. You all really had good time over there. Congratuations to Becky!
Have a nice week,
林贝卡 发表评论于
Wow, your kid learns how to drive now. That is nice. I hope your husband will have a wonderful trip.
Yes, we had a great time here. Santa stopped by the party. Kids got to sit on Santa's lap, and told Santa their wish lists. Cisco did not want to sit on Santa's lap any more. He is at the stage who wants to be treated like as an adult now. lol...He just shook hands with Santa and talked to Santa. Last but not least, all the kids got Christmas gifts.
I am going to take my kids to gym and swimming now. We are heading for home around noon. Becky and Ivana will have harp performance this afternoon. Tell you what? Becky was on our local newspaper again while she was practicing her harp in the church last Tuesday.
Have a nice week,
静谧海湾 发表评论于
Sounds very good. Your kids must be very be very happy. I am happy for you and your family.
This morning we drove to airport because my husband went to an oversea business trip. My son learns driving after his exam quite eagerly. It was my first time to sit in front seat with him today. He drives carefully so I am feel ok.
Have a good Sunday,
林贝卡 发表评论于
Thank you so much for your messages. I am really touched.
We are out of town. We are in the hotel right now. We were here for the Christmas party today. We will be back home tomorrow.