gagawoo, You\'ve made my day. 我难再超越不能讲

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gagawoo 评论于:2007-11-21 16:34:12


For me, you must be an Elegant Spirit.

I do not know much about the theory of writing, but I am sure the main characters' values, belief and acts must represent those of the author's, especially when she was writing from her heart. Lu Hua is such a great human being with not only unconditional love to her family, but also an attitude of nonjudgmentalism and acceptance and even love towards those that are being looked down upon by worldly people. She is such an elegant spirit that radiates love, elegance and grace to all. I am sure you are one too.

Happy holiday to you, and all.

亲爱的朋友,  谢谢你!   节日的问候!  QQ 不敢当, 但是, 芦花的确倾注了我深切的爱和景仰.   受了读者们鼓励,  我在构思新的作品,  今天一路堵车回家的路上我想了许多, 问自己,  新构思的人物情节故事, 究竟能感动你多少?  我想, 无论如何, 芦花和她的不能讲的故事,  她的两个男人....在许多方面, 都是我无法再超越的了, 不管我将来的小说写的能有多炉火纯青,  处女作就是处女作,  她的纯爱激情质朴....我难再超越....

虔谦 发表评论于

Dear 随意了, 昨晚PARTY 一直开到一点:) 挺高兴的.
谢谢你的鼓励, 我想也是的. :) 这回再写, 一星期只能憋出顶多两集:)
随意了 发表评论于
虔谦 发表评论于

谢谢秋之美! 你也是, 感恩节快乐!
好, 再接再厉:)
BeautyinAutumn 发表评论于
QQ: 感恩节愉快!祝贺小说大功告成!再接再厉!