No fighting, you win

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.
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I agree with most of what Jon says. At McGuire, you undboubtedly heard

about Joseph Sheehan, Ph.D., Dave McGuire's former therapist.

Sheehan's mentor, Charles Gage Van Riper, Ph.D., also a stutterer, used

to tell a story about his youth in which he stopped at a gas station

and stuttered badly while asking for gas. An old man started laughing.

Van Riper got offended but the old man said, "son, I stutter, too. I

used to sound just like you. But I'm just too old and tired to

struggle like that anymore." Van Riper noticed that the old man did

indeed stutter, but with no blocks. He just had easy repetitions with

no struggle. As Jon says, the old man had stopped fighting his stutter

and had accepted it. This is what Van Riper and Sheehan taught.

The only thing I would not agree with Jon about is the Stuttering

Dating Service. First, it is definately NOT a new idea. Every 6 or

seven months, since the founding of StutterintChat, some guy (always a

guy) suggests this. It would never work. 80% of adult stutterers are

men. Moreover, as you and I have discussed over the phone, stuttering,

vis a vis dating, is more of a problem for men than it is for women in

any case. Guys care about how a woman looks, not whether or not she

stutters. Women, however, do care how a man talks. There is an old

maxim which is very true, "Men fall in love with their eyes, women fall

in love with their ears." Stuttering can be quite a problem for men on

the dating scene. Not an insurmountable problem, but a real one.

