Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.
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We went to ice skating today. It was so exciting. Many people feel that the winter time is bad. I like winter because I can go for ice skating!
My little daughter Amy started to learn ice skating last year. She was the smallest kid on ice last year. Now, she have been growing up so much. When we play tag on ice, she could catch me very easily. She was so cute. She is very popular on the ice. She made a lot of friends. Last year, an ice skating guide baught a birthday cake for her birthday. She had a birthday party on ice. I will have a birthday party for her this year on ice.
I could skate a little. I really learned how to skate last year. The most important thing for me to learn ice skating is to get rid of fear of  falling and relax. I told Amy falling down is good because she learn new things. I apply this to myself too. Once the mind set changed, it has been a great improvement for my skills. Now, I can skate the way that I never could imagine before. I could skate forward, backward, dance, jump, walk, run, stop, turn and play tag!!
Sarah learned skating a couple years ago. Last year she learned a lot of new skills. We have a race very often. She beat me most of the time last year. I do not know if she could beat me this year. I believe that I will beat her this year. She is so busy of her school work that she could  not go for skating very often, just like the way I beat her in swimming.
