art comes naturally when we have learned how to deal with our old skin ( i mean, the dead cells of the taught sophistication & voiceless shout )
so recycling comes handy and from ruins of heartbreaks rises a dance of fire
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Media: Strips of recycled old drawings, ink, glue, acrylic, pencil, and paper
by kim frohsin
影云 发表评论于
to me, human figures more "function" as Mirror . . . and so symbolic . . . not-only-something of ego. . . what you said about the zen painting is really true . . . they are timeless . . .
stages. . . . and no spiritual formula . . .:)
~&~ 发表评论于
most western art/paintings are centered around humans/ego...
whereas, in classical chinese/zen art, that is not the most important.....
some "humanless" paintings can be closer to the soul ....
影云 发表评论于
fully agree! the human figures are so flowing (very beautifully toned!). . . against a concrete world . . . somehow, i come to realize that those art works "attracting" me always have certain "quality" to show the human existence . . .
~&~ 发表评论于
i like this sort of mixed media, not overdone ....its constrasts are well measured and meditated ....