When you are scared being old, you are scared of minivan

Many mid-age ladies in my neighborhood drive huge SUV (well, Chinese mid-age ladies drive RX instead). From some casual conversation, I found most of them stay away from minivan because they do not want feel being "old" or having kids.

The result is: it is the guys who drive minivan. These guys don't care how people think who they are.

However, when guys reach their 50s, they become worried. This is called mid-age crisis. That's the reason you found most of the luxury sport car drivers are bold old guys. They are scared of aging and want their last chance of being fancy.

Anyway, here is the States. The car is a statement. It tells want you want to be and it may not necessarily tell who you really are :)

soullessbody 发表评论于
So true.

I am really sick of those mid-aged women who drive big SUVs. They just don't pay any attention to the road and other drivers.