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In the memorial hall advocates, world tragedy group! The honored person is near the here, aids helps the injustice to be even!


(Poem, or take Chinese as the standard, please understand Chinese the

friend translation. Because, after the person name translates English,

that suffers hardships victim's name, vanishes, this is Chinese and

English difference.)

A poem with five characters per line, this hall objective, hoped completely says. Looks all vigorously to assist with the root same text Chinese people, is 400 million many ghosts Is lucky very! Is more than 400 million ghosts juniors - survivors Is lucky very!

    This crowd, is not 350 people; Is not 35,000 people is not 350 million people; But is 400.05 million! This is, the tyrants which ancient and modern all previous dynasties said do the evil conduct adds, but also must be many! By Monkey a Marx and Lenin son monkey group, regardless of its itself, the bystanders had not all acknowledged, is any emperor! But dry (tyrant) on the bad how many ten thousand time of - is more ominous than like lions emperors, fierce like tiger: "He" a group, the animal was inferior to! The lang wolf evildoers leopard was hungry has only then eaten the person, but "he" a group was not - but is seeks happy, sent the beastly nature - to fight with the class enemies, endless enjoyment!

   Under is Henan Province which "Democracy China" ascends, the Xinyang Guangshan County ten miles people's communes, the high Dadian production brigade, Mr. Wu enclosure team's Wu Hua, will mobilize his father, Mr. the Wu Yongkuan recollection, then starved to death the person situation! (Presses: Hopes the global website, starts, ascends this kind of article, Monkey the Marx and Lenin son monkey, the blood tear account which east Mao Hou Ze a group creates, thoroughly investigates thoroughly, does not expand does not reduce) a team unexpectedly to starve to death 72 people (to look by "eight perishes" content to write)! Since 27 entire heirless people, in this world innocent vanishing! Therefore this memorial hall specially manages this matter, for their Shanghai injustice! Everybody help, also a few merit! Please looked the candid artificial injustice attaches the blood tear - has not finally disappointted the heaven! Looks, big letter God! But does not have place, requests an audience the original text:

    http://www.chinamz.org/132issue/132gbdll.html      11-08-04

   Edition:Mr Su Xiaokang; Design:Mr Wu Meng







    1, Li Xing Kui:

   Lineage of the Li Yuan meets the monkey group,

   Promotes education the entire bad Chinese acre ten thousand catties!

   The Kui wooden wolf throws over Marx and Lenin,

   Perishes turns over to in the principle not to be uneven!






   2, Wu De industrious:

   Wu just the later generation met Monkey MaoZedong,

   German character bad group of Marx and Lenin blow!

   Diligent can assign guarantees,

   Dies to the wicked character chaotic grave mound!






   3, Wu Yonghou:

   Disaster of the Wu Chu presently Henan,

   Eternal natural justice this injustice moves!

   Impudent and shameless directs Marx and Lenin,

   Starves to death the person ah quibble to entangle!






   4, Wu Genlin:

   The Wu Chu famine cancer resembles,

   Ingrained spreads the city and countryside!

   How Lin Chongre does in worry the partner,

   Dies the hungry family medium to send the grain!






   5, Wu two wools:

   Wu Banglan the type with buries alive,

   29 time passages die do not have the material!

   East Mao Fei Ze the heart too is ruthless,

   Hungrily perishes still resembles puts the wooden raft!






   6, Wu De glory:

   Nearby Wu man-made disaster to light mountain,

   The German character is difficult to save the Marx and Lenin booth!

   The honor instead turns over to altogether to shovel the party,

   Dies to pitifully endures the word to occupy!






   7, Wu:

   The Wu Chu still has the king,

   Has both ability and integrity extinguishes the ape gang!

   Money two characters He Zuchi,

   Dies hates east Ze the Shaochi wolf!






   8, Wu De talent:

   In Wu Zhong County almost,

   The German character when Monkey rubs!

   Only then casts aside the horse fart for the apes and monkeys,

   Front hungrily perishes a regret minute at the beginning of place!






   9, Wu old friend:

   Wu gets up in the street the hungry stomach to be many,

   Old age youngand strong two how?

   The friend kisses henceforth breaks communicates,

   Hungrily to cafeteria clear kettle!






   10, Yu Caiyun

   -odd view food company feeds,

   The talented person same year ate the husks!

   Transports not very the Chinese scholartree leaf to feed,

   Hungry imputes to altogether the bandit gang!






   11, Yu Huangshi:

   -odd raises the memorial hall to construct,

   Yellow Emperor Sun Zaiqing crosses the threshold!

   Hungrily perishes you,

   Dies east Mao Fei Ze horizontal!






   12, Yu Duishan:

   Yu Jin elects to expose to the sun the gown date,

   Urges the ape group breakfast to fall!

   The scenery meets by chance the friendly retribution for evildoing,

   Hungrily plays the ape towards the jade emperor to be busy!






   13, Yu Siyi:

   Yu Jin offers condolences reads the neighbor,

   Considered the world is driven by the monkey!

   Bounden catches up with Marx and Lenin,

   Perishes ah east laughable Ze to need!






   14, Yu Sixin:

   Yu Tunping cake altogether husks,

   Missing has diarrhea the grass several to be long!

   Letter Taiwan 18 has not sentenced,

   The hungry disaster saves the China nation!






   15, Wu Feng:

   The Wu line difficult picture to trace,

   Feng Kongxi the water eats needlessly!

   Is the cruel fate mother husband's mother not,

   Hungrily Monkey has not looked in the home!






   16, Wu Yongying:

   Wu Chengen models chats the room,

   Forever will record at that time the realistic sorrow!

   Earns the heaven to draw in Monkey,

   Perishes Yu Hu Dili cheng Zai!






   17, Wu Xiaoyou:

   Wu Jingzi writes scholarly world,

   The poem acclaims this book title!

   Cruller same proletarian,

   the preliminary narcotics lean!






   18, Wu two children:

   What does Wu Woyao the day make article?

   Two meal thin water monkeys minute!

   The child all understands in this to manage,

   Hungrily to not strength humph!






   19, Wu three children:

   Wu Changshuo Shi picture student,

   Three several years old go hungry humph!

   The child unendurablily reveals the Communist bandit,

   Perishes in the cafeteria the blood stuffy heart !






   20, Li Cheng Kui:

   How could Li Guang the wool,

   Becomes the future trouble Monkey to grasp the knife!

   can depend nobody letter,

   Dies decides cafeteria Shui Neipao!

   21, Li Wangshi:

   The Li Bai poem has records the popular indignation,

   The law of the land family rule Communist bandit circles!

   In monkey between busy day and night,

   The hungry two rice waters flutter!

   22, Wu De Run:

   Wu gets up the town red flag to flutter,

   Has both ability and integrity the disaster to run away!

   Facing retribution for a life of crime of place the Run,

   Deserves to be damned the command to kneel incurs!

   23, Wu De tung oil tree:

   Wu Qiyu by fierce like tiger,

   German character He Cunfei the technique becomes!

   The tung oil tree wooden also once had the cordiality,

   Perishes Yu Ezi the Monkey MaoZedong  pit!

   24, Wu Yongguan:

   The Wu Zuguang play as soon as arranges,

   Forever will keep tragedy Mao Feitian!

   The champion can calculate the snowy mountain bandit,

   Hungrily feeds stock Shaochi 愆!

   25, Wu Shaoshan:

   Wu Guangqi the gun keeps now,

   A Shaochi group early turns over to cloudyly!

   The mountain top does not set up the man-made disaster,

   The hungry character is difficult to save happy in the heart!

   26, Wu De splendid:

   Wu Zuguang Rong Juzai arranges,

   Germany refinedly owes friend Luban to add!

   In splendid Huixian person also painstakingly,

   Starves to death Cheng Dui Run!

   27, Feng Changyou:

   Feng Xingmen suffer communizes encircles,

   Long-term labor changes fixedly blows!

   The friendly forces red resemble fight the chicken eye,

   The bodies of those who starved to death pile the mountain not to see sadly!

   28, Feng is small two:

   tripod with two handles hydraulic modulus Tianjin is thick,

   My daughter unendurablily communizes poorly!

   Two thin soup cannot preserve,

   Hungrily perishes Tong Bi to abort ominously!

   29, Feng Yunmao:

   In Feng Xingmen communizes the company,

   The cloud opens sees Japan to He Tian?

   Mao Zedong is the crime leader,

   Absolutely its malicious ghost!

   30, Yang Shiying:

   In Yang Jiajiang spectrum sad,

   In the world unexpectedly struggles communizes the day!

   The outstandingly talented time passage rice water owes,

   Certainly perishes two characters Communist bandit to arrange!

   31, Wu Yongchang:

   under the family is painstakingly connected,

   Forever will record the enmity Communist bandit to pull!

   Prosperous prosperity Chinese acre ultra ten thousand,

   During the brazen-faced and shameless ghost blows!

   32, Pan Xiuying;

   Pan Renmei is the red ape plays the role of,

   The beautiful enough to eat rascal entangles!

   英日 flows the oil person riches and honor,

   Hungrily perishes two characters ever not to occupy!

   33, Wu Xiaocheng:

   Wu Chengen has Hong Lou Meng,

   The novel world happy extension is sad!

   The achievement extraordinarily blows the Communist bandit,

   In the peerless pile is and must!

   34, Wu two wools:

   Wu Wu Tian flaunts the monkey prestige,

   Two meal two water rice waters accompany!

   Mao Zhumao dog person skin cover,

   Certainly the generation certainly blows puts the glory!

   35, Wu De stands:

   Wu reveals the invincible might,

   The German skill principle does not owe!

   Resolves to set up the kernel communist to extinguish,

   The unique skill top-secret Chinese opera is sad!

   36, Wu Yongen:

   Wu Nvwu male rigidly adheres the thief,

   Forever and ever happy Cheng Bei!

   The Enlai graciousness in more faces the ringworm,

   Who has forgotten to be supposed to hate!

   37, Wu De just:

   Wu Pingwu according to disaster entire,

   In German Italy Germany eight kind of injustice!

   Just to firmly caught altogether Monkey,

   The unique skill becomes extinct has not touched on slightly!

   38, Xu Naixing:

   lightly recites Ou Lumei,

   Is owes communizes the Jianyang jail!

   The prosperity and decline sooner or later will be near the Communist bandit,

   Perishes the character 当头 there is no place to run away!

   39, Xu Naishao:

   elegy Bangkok day,

   Your father is abandoned nearby your city!

   In Shaoshan flushes grows hair strangely,

   Dies the entire people's liberator to arrange!

   40, Xu too:

   In Xuwen County the person comes off sentry duty,

   The big liberator from malingers!

   Too is uneven 60 million,

   God of death nearly to Shaochi gang!

   41, Yu Duihai:

   -odd property is robbed the light,

   Urges Mao a Liu group to fall!

   Overseas virtuous Mr. unfolds aids,

   Perishes near communizes reveals the god gun!

   42, Yu Chen:

   -odd current decay is prosperous,

   State one's case the natural enemy to uncover Mao Qian!

   Clan Shun Yifang inherits,

   Hungrily until the present God pity!

   43, Yu Xiaofu:

   -odd records eight perishes 400000000,

   Slightly raises big document Marx and Lenin to tow!

   The wealthy family property is robbed,

   Hungrily thinks deeply falls the monkey nest!

   44, -odd self-evident:

   Yu Chayu food Cheng Mengzhong,

   Produces and markets by oneself fails!

   Tomorrow Ming Shizhu Communist bandit,

   Hungry hungrily catches Mao Zedong!

   45, Wang Fuhan:

   The law of the land family rule rules a nation saves,

   A lucky character extinguishes the multi- gates!

   A Han Dynasty item of feather keeps the good and evil,

   Deserves to be damned Deng Xiaoping!

   46, Wang Ming Kui:

   King family depends on the deity,

   Out of date and no longer of interest Monkey partner group!

   Kui falls the monkey pit to die for no reason,

   Hungrily flaunts the ape energy towards the jade emperor!

   47, Li Fuxi:

   Li colored season sunny spring day,

   the monkey endures entire!

   Jubilation sorrow great wild goose double comparison,

   Side hungrily perishes Zhu De to have to occupy!

   48, Li Liu:

   Li Yuan cloth rescues the common people,

   Liu Bei initially did not understand the sentiment!

   The clan shaft passes God,

   Dies keeps the advance notification achievement to depend on!

   49, Li short-haired pelt:

   Li month before last under again ponders,

   Slightly records eight perishes the word!

   East Mao Fei Ze makes this evil,

   Dies when not Bai Li Jinzhi!

   50, Xu :

   The Xu wind bright sun enjoys Europe,

   Anking catches the thief head!

   Outside bounden ape law,

   The dead monkey also must kneel the bamboo slip to cancel -

   Yu Yuzhong does:

   Lives grasps difficultly then to die all seizes,

   Suffers the world for to complete!

   American and Japanese sad hall relativity,

   High praise Mao Huoxiang domestic animal!

   51, Xu photograph:

   Xu Yanxi language wool monkey,

   Slightly recorded the same year all things to shame!

   Looks after in the Jiang Qing jail to hang,

   After dies the crime wife loses!

   52, Wu Yongqing:

   Wu line descendant person,

   Forever the difficult livelihood strange monkey to become!

   The consomme all breaks the sunny day place,

   Dies and so on in the family does not have the liberator!

   53, Wu Xiaocheng:

   The Wu man enters in the monkey,

   The small happy investment life has been spatial!

   The achievement is big ah turns over to altogether,

   The hungry sound passes!

   54, Wu two :

   Wu Banglan leg fresh maggot,

   Two phases with different occupy!

   the elder sister now contains indignant goes,

   East hungry responsibility for an offense Ze is simpleminded!

   55, Wu Dahai:

   Wu Fangwan ancient and modern real,

   Greatly has extinguishes is swallowed!

   The child abandons the streets and lanes place,

   The god of death looks after thin Cheng Deng!

   56, Wu Yunmao:

   Wu Chu day by open intrigue,

   Wanders begs for food tires of the patrol!

   Wool Tuesday bandit wolf picture,

   The dead posterity celebrate raise one's head!

   58, Chen Liu:

   Statement same year Chu Hanzheng,

   Liu Bang wins an item of feather to turn over to cloudyly!

   War of the clan inexhaustible,

   Dies wants the monkey superficial knowledge partner to support!

   59, Wu Sungshan:

   Wu Gangfa tree fable real,

   The pine lumber on the wane sees !

   The scenery now all communizes,

   The corpse is often swallowed by the live person!

   60, Wu Huahou:

   The Wu world regards the sorrowful great wild goose,

   China group of leading characters!

   with blows the Great Leap Forward,

   Hungrily tastes the corpse taste with the meat pine!

   61, Wu Wangshi:

   Wu Hujin is same,

   Law of the land Wang Guiyi the immortal flushes!

   The clan person ascends the purgatory,

   The dead monkey hard work loves east Ze!

   62, Xu Naizhen:

   The Xu gate merchant has cloud China,

   Is the second son street teahouse!

   The precious family property does not have,

   Dies to leaps forward hungrily to him!

   63, Wu Xiaoyou:

   The Wu Sangui hand helps the Qing government,

   East young bandit Ze Xuantong Period stares at!

   Oil rice firewood Yandu limits,

   Front dies Mi Shuijiao to be disappointed!

   64, Wu Shemao:

   Wu Tianchu two is connected,

   My humble home now thin Shui Bian!

   East Mao Fei Ze instead calls out,

   Hungrily perishes all is the unprincipled person proclaims!

   65, Wu four wools:

   Wu Tiandao the wheat completely all steals,

   Evening hugs in all directions!

   East Mao Fei Ze executes the trick,

   Dies proposes the high production to call the open intrigue!

   66, Wu Xiangshan:

   The Wu Chu Shaoshan leaves the red monkey,

   Feels left out sobs the Great Cultural Revolution stratagem!

   The mountain top stands in great numbers the bad shovel to fall,

   After dies Qin Chengli to enter throws!

   67, Wu Guishi:

   Wu Gangdian to rabbit head,

   The abundant harvest gruel is not eighth lunar month thick!

   Clan serial but actually ,

   Perishes disaster hungry stomach responsibility Mao Hou!

   68, Wu Yongcai:

   the land certificate brings,

   The permanent contract is in a daze!

   Talented person how stinking nine category,

   Hungry ah only has hundred Ke Pai!

   69, Wu Wangshi:

   the hope land fishes,

   The law of the land family rule leisurely immortal knocks!

   The clan same disaster because is communist,

   Forgets oneself contracts again!

   70, Wu Yongtang:

   The Wu family henceforth enters the monkey circle,

   Forever also can again cloud over!

   In the hall the parents smoke and fire breaks,

   Unique altogether monkey !

   71, Wu Mashi:

   The Wu family is cut off more than several kisses,

   The Marx and Lenin urine excrement drenches!

   Clan what crime Xuantong Period example,

   The death hates in the rice water to stop!

   72, Wu Xiangcheng:

   Wu Qundao refuses stubbornly to know because,

   Yearns for the monkey howling big liberator!

   Achievement world tragedy host,

   Certainly the difficult material to reach this point the injustice to be even!

   Completes 72 ghosts the name poems!

    Thank "Democracy China" the good man, do the good deed for our China misery! The thanks -odd, hope the kind old man which visits , can live simply and frugally, crowds Qian Bandian the matter:

   1, Shan Wu Hua Mr. the strength is insufficient, looks everybody through United Nations's some organization, constructs this tablet the big spot, expands for a commemoration minute hall. Engraves this poem in under each victim's name, also presses this to arrange the number, how?

    2, looks the kind old man to contribute a money, helps 26 survivors descendants, is the lucky person which the salute coffin bottom leaves out! OK!

   Suggested this party that faction (is calm and each position talks clearly, do not have again center Sun Wen's poison! Concerns God to investigate Sun Wen's crime, please read other articles. Although does not have the big standard, finally digs out the Chinese nearly hundred years disaster root, how as for thoroughly eliminates, but also looks everybody to look in China's living more than 1 billion; The dead several hundred million person of matters must manage, offer advice):

    1, has only then has the wealth, did not have again to blindly believe in that Sun Wen's magic potion: The cultivator has its field. You, your relative, neighbors field? You, all do not have including the foothold, to live under subjugation, why should reconsider -? In the recent hundred years have not restored, you obtain are so the fate! You, have not killed inhumanly, snatches the person, falls difficultly to reach this point the situation, but also does the endless high-sounding talk democracy, what restore does? Your family, your relative, your neighbors are not center go out from "National disaster Song"?

    2, takes the lead because does not know formidably, with blind is being noisy, is noisy becomes "the laborious pig" - the 1911 Revolution: Is killed, implicates the innocent survivor children exactly to eat, can't this hang up - the heterogenesis several dozens year shocking scandals with Xinhai? With is hitting the local tyrant to divide up land, to starves to death torments to death! Is expelled to you the overseas, is not the friend country benevolence gives shelter to, has already become the knife,, any this is clear! The clear courtyard cedes territory and pay indemnities: Calculated the Chinese Communist Party does not have, its place you how many? Its money, its annual production 150 tons golds, do you, how many grams how many money obtain? Calculated you obtain Taiwan the advantage, that is hangs the Bodhisattva with the Bodhisattva. Some how many are imprisoned for several dozens years for Taiwan, obtains is - the vacation, rumbles him exits,, really, these offer the information, is was swindled? Or,, for this:

   Liu Shaoqi incurs Shao,

   Humph fades including a good play!

   sings is utterly loyal the deceitful example,

   Is going to help proofreads crookedly!

    Liu Liankun, Shao Zhengzhong two person of tragedies, really are they quickly succeeds when a God proofreading - realization: Isn't good but badly settles, said to Kuomintang and Communist Parties both sides. Also is communist party's modus operandi - reexamines.

    3, will look later not to have again to propose these cliches! Has a look, whether helps the Chinese country health development, soon a group will expel Monkey Marx and Lenin son monkey Mao Hou Ze east! More than 1 billion living enjoy a good and prosperous life; More than 400 million dead soon will die content under the dwelling place of the dead!

(In the memorial hall advocates, world tragedy group! The honored person is near the here, aids helps the injustice to be even! ) Meets pageabundant news www.peacehall.com

    Whether changes the merchant brain: My this commodity has sold for several dozens years, including supports the family living witness all to be far from, the person which takes the lead outside, lost everything many has also compensated the life, own told fortunes greatly escapes, should trades the commodity - dead end! That one who understands the times is handsome is outstanding not not expired certainly!

    Memorial hall preparing for construction: Hudebin2004,9,5.17:16

(In the memorial hall advocates, world tragedy group! The honored person is near the here, aids helps the injustice to be even! Endabundant news www.peacehall.com)
