Pre-nub is the way to go if you have large assets before you marry someone.
喝白开水健康 发表评论于
江城游子 发表评论于
老姐: 谢谢您的见解,俺没看过,有机会今后一定看看 the movie "The War of Roses"
laojie 发表评论于
回复江城游子的评论: Most of divorced women with children have tougher life than ones who are with husband. The law is set to protect the children and family. There are always "unfair" cases if we follow the law. Negociation is always better than having a fight. However, what's the percentage of couples who can keep their minds straight when filing for divorce? Divorce lawyers often play roles of councilors, and some people willingly spend their $$. BTW, have you seen the movie "The War of Roses"?
The important message is that the money does NOT belong to the men, it is the common property of the couple in the marriage. In US, one can protect his/her $$ earned before the wedding (men or women) by signing leagel agreement. This is a infinitely better way than threating to kill the spouse (in this case, the chance to loose $$ will definitely be greatly enhaced).
江城游子 发表评论于
俺比较欣赏协议离婚,好来好散。总不该把钱往律师和税务局这个水池子里扔吧? 谢谢大家的评论!
laojie 发表评论于
回复老男人123的评论:这可是够得上恐赫罪。白“纸”黑字, 公众舆论场所啊。
You have right to keep silent and get yourself a lawyer.