每日持仓位 --- November 27, 2007

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Today’s Transactions:

Opened a position in ACH Feb 08 80 Put at $28.60 Stop-loss if the stock is closed above $60

Reason: most basic materials have seen their prices weakened quite a bit recently and Aluminium is no exception. The drop in copper price will add further pressure to this commodity and unlike copper, the inventory for Aluminium is plenty.

Today’s Return: 1.31%

Return since inception(June 05, 2007): 128.36%

S&P 500 Return since June 05, 2007: -7.21%

My positions:


UTSI Jan 09 10 Call

GOOG Dec 07 400 Call


GOOG Mar 08 500 Call


CX Jan 08 40 put

ITRI Jan 08 100 put

UPL Jan 08 80 put

PCU Jan 08 155 put

ACH Feb 08 80 put

Short SOHU 08 50 Call
