Did she really say

this blog is meant for my little precious
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early on, during bath time, i showed cc the door and the door lock. she could differentiate these two objects now.

yesterday, during bath time, she suddenly remember there are door and door lock at the side. she stood up and walked slowly with support to get closer to the door. i knew her intention but pretend knowing nothing. she stood there, one hand holding the side of the bath tub, another hand pointing to the door, demanding it to be opened.

but she still have shampoo on her hair and it must be very cold if i opened the door. i continue pretending did not understand her command. i tried to distract her attention by asking her to sit down, so that i could pour water to wash away the shampoo and bubbles.

she stood there firmly with serious face. to make her demand seems important, she banged her hand to the side of bath tub (ough, that must be painful but she didn't show any sign of pain). i repeated my request few times (with normal tone) but each got a reply of hand banging. and suddenly, out of no where, she said "no!" firmly to me.

my good lord, my only daughter said "no!" to me!!!

i was shocked! totally numbed. i don't know how many seconds i opened my mouth wide, but i could see she was shocked as well. i could even sense fear in her eyes.

i slowly suggested "let's wash your hands now". she just learned how to wash her hands by herself, happily and willingly she walked to the faucet and put her tinny hands under it.

i told my husband this later on, asking him whether our lovely daughter really said "no" to me. he only said "my dear, only more to come."

hopefully, this "no" thing ends up like the "耳朵" incident which happened only once.

mothers, think twice before you say "no" to your young ones.
