女儿给我做了一个很美的slide show庆生,背景音乐是周杰伦那小眯缝眼的。也不知为何,女儿特饭那小子。俺说流行歌曲给你听张学友,张国荣的,那才叫个好听。周杰伦吐字不清,他的歌俺听半天,也听不明白说啥呢。女儿不卖账:你饭的偶像都这么老,哪有Jay Chow 迷人啊。唉。。。
转录下来作个纪念 (洋文是她的,中文是老妈的读后感):
Why do we love you so?
Too many reasons to count...
But we shall attempt anyway!!
You are...
Huggable (*Squeals* I love hugging you!!) (嗯,有点创意)
Funny (even if you don't get my jokes. ^_^) (7,你那叫幽默?!)
Understanding (us girls stick together foreva!) (该把你整去做spelling bee!)
Fun (I mean, just look at all the parties you're invited to!)
Evil (at times, like when you don't let me listen to my music. >_ (原来你都在心里骂)
Beautiful (马屁!)
Fashionable (The best shopping buddy a girl could have!)
Loving (you'll love your family through anything even if we annoy the hell outta you sometimes. ^^) (好像有点句法问题,说不准来着)
Someone who doesn't need too many packs of aspirin
Someone who's daughter considers you to be a best friend. (真滴?)
Strict (in a good way..I think.) (如果不加那I think,俺会更开心噢)
Skilled (at cooking, teaching, tennis, education)
Tolerant (heehee it takes someone with real skill to take care of ME!)
Patient (pfft. Look at what you did to XX! It's a miracle!) (你弟弟是有点不太好消化)
Creative (you try to be with you're cooking ^^) (被你们给逼滴)
Determined (..to beat me in tennis. *glares*) (看你痛苦,是一件多开心的事啊)
Passionate (about everything you do!)
Forgiving (it takes someone strong to forgive) (哼,别忽悠,拿C绝不原谅你!)
Sometimes really stubborn (说清楚点,这马屁有点。。。)
Easily annoyed (好像开始批判聊。。。)
Fun to poke. (what? I like to poke you. ) (开始折磨聊。。。)
Fun to tease. (even though I get blamed a lot for it..)
Someone who doesn't understand sarcasm. (啥?老妈是白痴?!)
The one who brought life. (to me and xx that's the ultimate gift! ^^)
(7, 还用你说,当初你老爸就看中俺能生养来着)
Someone who likes to baby the oldest child. (as long as you don't show my baby pictures I'm fine with that. ^^) (还就喜欢你的BABY 照片,现在三大五粗,挤豆豆,有啥好秀滴?!)
Finishing up...
You are loved beyond measure.
You are treasured.
You are the best because the love you show shines.
You are our Mother!!
At Last
I want to wrap this up with a conclusion. Ahem. You our mother and I know that this day ( your BIRTHDAY!!!) will come again in another full year and I would just like to let you know that I care about you. You are important to me and engraved forever in my heart. And although you are always suspicious of my motives (非常怀疑滴说), like when I tried to take your picture to draw a portrait, I still love you for who you are. I have only ONE eensy teensy thing to say left...
唉,这臭女儿,最后还是把俺忽悠得老眼有点潮湿,Jay 的歌也能听个半懂了。得表达一下感激之情:“女儿,谢谢你的礼物,当妈的很高兴。以后呢,就不要花这么多时间做贴了,如果你能用这时间练你的钢琴。。。”
“怎么办?简单!忍着呗。 你上面洋洋洒洒罗列了36条,这么好的老妈,上哪找?!”
作者:海棠花飞 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531)