
今天下午面试回来, 大公司, 两个人一个hr一个engineering director, 问题如下:

1. Tell me about your education background?

2. What are your interests?

3. What is your working style?

4. What is your ideal work environment?

5. Where do you see yourself in long-term?

6. What do you know about our company?

7. Why we should hire you?

8. When can you start?

9. What engineering direction you would take in future? Design or analysis? and why?

还有几个,不太记得了, 最后hr拿了我的certificate, driving licence等文件取复印, 我问了director几个问题:

1. What makes a good employee in the company?

2. What is your experience with xxx company and your greatest acchievement?(学梅影的, director说that\'s a good question, 然后说了一会)

最后director两点还有meeting先走了, 让hr带我走了一圈, 最后在楼梯口告别时, 问他拿了business card, 再表达了一下对这个工作的兴趣. HR说director下星期出差要两周后才能给答复.

对自己表现良好, 有问有答, 有几个问题加了几个很有力的keyword, HR在写得时候 有时候还说excellent. Director笑容不多,属于稳重那种, 但是我说的东西觉得他在听有时候自己点头. 没有技术问题, 可能觉得我刚毕业,技术知识差不了哪去, 主要考behavior. 工作地理位置不太好,离家远,除非能找到人carpool...因为他们说要两周后才能复, 暗喜, 主要想等下一个面试机会。今天我第一次on-site, 信心增加不少,还是要感谢职场各方朋友的经验之谈.
