零到三岁的孩子如果发现身心有问题,会有政府所属的专门机构( Early Intervention Program )安排治疗师上门提供帮助,比如语言发育迟缓的孩子会接受语言和人际交往训练,行为有问题的孩子会接受行为训练,痴呆儿接受的智能训练就更多了,身体残疾的孩子有理疗师上门给做理疗及康复训练。
等到孩子三岁以后,公立的教育系统会接管。各个地区都有特殊教育幼儿园接收有问题的孩子入园。从这时候开始,每个孩子都会有一份属于自己的“独立教育计划”( Individual Education Plan ),对他们具体情况具体分析地进行教育和训练。制定这个教育计划的时候,学校的校长、专家、老师和家长要坐在一起开会讨论签字通过才行。
I remember one of my linguistic professor once said:'only be comparing with other languages/cultures/writing systmes, we can better and really understand our own.'
Again enjoy reading your story. Thank you.
And I agree with many of the comments below. -- There's a saying in English, " the people deserve the government".
Many of us (who are wise enough to) know that, there're something not quite right about the way the government does things. But sometimes we tend to forget that, it's the people of the country who put them there in office... And that's the meaning of the saying above...
..."我们都5000年历史,还是封建社会__ddggwt"... Good point.
We did not reach the population in just one day. It looked like the number was about 400million some 50-60 yrs ago. How many yrs it has taken for the US to reach today's population? -- I 'am sorry to disagree with some of the opinions.
Thank you all for reading, and thank 蔡真妮 for giving us the chance to make some comments.
you are fooled by the education of GCD or Chinese culture. we cannot rely on some good leaders, we should control our future by ourselves. Democracy with spirit of freedom is the only key. but first we need a revolution on our culture (probably that is what Lao Mao thought about)
All our Chinese have the same problem, selfish and short-eye-sighted. always hope there will be some savior to save us.
tumh2000 发表评论于
Chinese government always only care about a small portion of people, because based on the social structure, only them have the power to affect the government.
for lower level people, they are educated in such a way that you are not treated well(or you are not rich, cannot enjoy life) because you are not good enough, it your fault, not others.
Very sad, but it is true for most of the people, even well educated ones. My parents, my siblings, some of classmates, they all believe that it is their MINGYUN.
谢谢真妮的好文章。我认识的一个也是瘫痪的孩子,从小每天都有特殊教育的老师或助理照顾,包括after school program 和夏天的camp.家长不需要付任何费用。当她进middle school 时,因为她是学区中第一个这样的孩子,学校还特的在夏天为她赶建一个残疾人的通道。她也像大多数的中学生一样矫正牙齿,但不是靠父母的保险(事实上,很多的dental plan doesn't cover it), 而是由政府的专项款支付,虽然医生认为她的生命会在十七,八岁时终止。也许在很多人眼里这是一种不值,但这是美国社会对生命的尊重。我国内的朋友中就有因为感冒而中止怀孕的,深怕生出残疾的孩子。我无法评论对错,只能说这是对生命的意义理解不同。
I saw a TV program that the US goverment used airplane to pick up those handicapped children to the school daily because there is no special school near by.
My younger brother had down syndrome, so when I went back to my home towm and bring him out to shopping mall or park, others will look at him strangely. I did not dream of having Chinese govement to send him to school with airplane or bus, all I want is other Chinese do not look at him that way!
yes, it is true that even in the US there are a lot of unfairness in the special Ed. area. mostly because its hard to diagnose the exact problem, such as children with ADD or ADHD or reading or learning problems.
however, at least they do have an bill of ACT that can and will protect them if they seek help. but in China, it is a more difficult and different situtation. children with special needs either go to a special school that's not being accepted by 'Normal' society, or not get an education, because 'Normal' schools will not accept them.
完全同意美国对特殊孩子的照顾比中国好,但是你的文章太过美化了。和真正有特殊孩子的家长谈谈,你就知道美国的特教中有多少问题,有多少家长还在艰苦地和学区斗争,以为自己的孩子争取合理的机会。如果事情都想你所描述的这样,那就没有parent advocate, special education lawyer什么事儿了。呵呵。
pinkpony 发表评论于
pinkpony 发表评论于
什麽事情都是以小見大。“關懷”包含的是物質上的條件和精神上的支持。真妮文章寫的是精神上的,which is much more important。 教育思想不但影響小孩子成長,重要的是他們更是這種思想的產物,會用這種態度去對待別人,去對待生活裏其他的事情。