I came to the states in 1987. In oregon, Coke or any soft drink cans worth 5 cents each when you return the can at any gerocery store. Every Saturday morning, I picked up cans and went to Safeway exchanged for money and bought next week food. American students usually have parties Friday night, so I could pick up about $10 cans. That was one of my way to save money. Of course, lots of other experiences. They sound so hard, but I trully believed it was a very good and valuable experiencs. It will benefit all my life.
回徽卿的话:我的手指也被砍断过,是我砍鱼时不小心砍下来的,事故发生时我很镇定,用纱布包起来,用冰块“烫”着(是学校时学的知识),还走路去坐巴士。但后来觉得不对路了,什么时候才去到医院?我当机立断,下车,一警车经过,我挥手,车停下,我解释。警察说帮我叫救护车,我说不行,等救护车来后我已经死了。警察无奈地说,好吧,送你去吧,本来我不该这样做的。他关了车上的闪灯。我一坐上去时便感到沙布下有“液体”流着,我害怕得大哭说:“我的血在流,我快要死了!”警察(是个白人小伙子)说,别担心,你死不了的。后来,到医院后,看到是冰块在手掌中融化(不是血流得那般厉害)。缝了九针,我从头到尾都不敢看一眼。到了拆线时也不敢看,几年来,共做了5次手术(for this finger). 在大陆,医生得知我是从美回来探亲,狮子口大开,要我掉针消炎,一天八百多元,然后还说要我进院,他要转入病房了,还说要把我手指那部分切掉,我忙捂住耳朵,求他别再说了,我已受不了了。幸亏,幸亏,回美后,这里的医生帮我做了大手术,现在基本康复,乌拉。
My kids now that their daddy doesn't stay away from anything chicken...I ate all of my lifetime allocation of the chicken in one year: chicken quarters on sell at $0.99/lbs. No kidding! Lived on $20/month. I was thankful that the chicken were priced to my "income" in those days. :-)
BTW, since 东北老蔫儿 mentioned about the root "beer", I will tell a root beer story. I once went to a dinner at American firend's house, a young college girl living with her sister. There were also two Pakistan friends present. The girls asked what kind of drinks we would like to have and said that they had Coke, soda, and root beer... Upon hearing this, the two Pakistanian friends stopped the girls and vigorously said: "No, No, No, No acohoolic beverage!" It almost killed me trying the suppress myself from laughing out...I could tell that the girls were on the same boat.
i rememeber that time the happiest thing was to eat PizzaHut Buffet, and thought all ways to eat more. Not drink any soda while eating, only drink afterwards. Then one time i really almost became the doctor in movie "Huo2 Zhe"....
东北老蔫儿:一大瓶Root Beer,俺又有素材了。
jwayne_1:“the important thing is: there's nothing wrong with being poor as long as you have a clear goal and work hard toward it.”
i remember those times. i wasn't that poor but i did bring my own soda (non-brand name) to lunch and took one every day from my locker. my american classmates laugh me at drinking "warm" soda and i laugh at them wasting money from vending machine :) i had another chinese classmate who would take $5 from ATM each week. i don't think you can do that these days. but the important thing is: there's nothing wrong with being poor as long as you have a clear goal and work hard toward it.