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The blog is established not deliberately. It is by accident. Sometimes, I want to write comments (my own view) for an article published in wenxuecity but I can not do this. Then I regiestered, and found that I have a chance to establish the blog. That's it. 

However, I often come to wenxuecity. I can say everyday except weekend since I am often with my family together to travel around at weekend. I walk in wenxuecity for about one hour every morning from Monday to Friday inclus. My favorite is 
新闻直通车 (Man should keep his eyes over the world not just beautiful girls although I love girls as well). The other intersting columns to me are 人在英国 (I live in UK), 难得一笑 (Laughing makes me younger) and  脑筋急转 (I like the challenge) etc..

Welcome you to here and leave your footsteps here ---- UKrenloveyou. I will be over the moon if you can get something from here!!!

@Copywright belongs to UKren@
