脑筋急转 之一

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It seems from the title that you will find some mental tests here. You may be right but probably not completely right. It depends on your definition about mental.

The following 4 questions are created by me. Some of them belongs to 脑筋急转 while others may not. That's why I put the question mark in the title.

Question 1. [Background: UKren has told many people of this question including his wife and his son since 20 years ago. He seems not sure that this question is created by himself or others. But Ukren thinks this is an interesting issue once you find the answer. Please do let UKren know if you find this question appeared somewhere else]  There is a bridge 100m long with sentinels at the both ends of the bridge each, who prevent you from going through the bridge. They both sleep at the same time for 1 mintue (60 seconds) once a day. During their sleep you can walk on the bridge freely. However, your maximum speed is just 1 m per second. How can you pass the bridge from one side to the other successfully? 
["原创": UKren]

Question 2.  A man called Xing-Gang loved TX and finally he got the love from TX as well. They love each other now.  After some time, TX thought it was not so good to always call her man's name and this could not express she love her very well either. TX is a clever girl. She just deleted two letters from her man's name. Then she got what she wanted. Can you please find how she got this? [原创: TX.    编辑
: UKren]

Question 3. [Background: Ukren watched a TV programme in BBC3 last night. In this programme, one of the questions is that "please name a class of people who work in dark". He got some answers from the participants of the TV programme,  his wife and his son (listed below in Chinese). But He found that they are all not good enough because he has got a good answer]  请指出在黑暗环境里工作的人:    a. 潜水员;     b. 挖煤工人;
c. 暗室洗胶卷者; d. X光医生; e. 小偷;  what is your other answer?  [原创: UKren]

Question 4.
[Background: Ukren hasn't seen his girl freind TX. TX seems not care how tall he is and thus she never ask him the question like what your height is. But Ukren wants to tell her how tall he is. Then, Ukren created this question so that TX may guess that UKren is probabaly a short man] Please give your summarization for UKren (the question creator).

                                列宁        _____ 伟大的马克思主义者;      

                                墨索里尼  _____ 法西斯军国主义独裁者;

                         邓小平      _____ 改革开放的总设计师;

                         希特勒       _____   盗世奸雄;

                         拿破仑    _____   高卢雄鸡;

                         马拉多纳   _____   新一代球王;


                         UKren        _____  What is your answer?
[原创: UKren]

Remark 1. In order to avoid some unexpected disaster flying to me, I have to give my answer for the last question here in advance although I understand that most people who walking around/inside Wenxuecity are well-educated. My answer for this question is  "矮个伟人的收藏者". Please note that I use "者" insead of  "家" [Do not attack me, I  did not mean I am a great man (Haha!)].

Remark 2..  I will certainly give you congratulations if your answer to any of the questions is the same with or better than mine. Please do not forget to leave your answer here.

@Copywright belongs to UKren@

ukrenloveyou 发表评论于
回复Wutheringheight的评论: Thanks very much.
Wutheringheight 发表评论于
Ukren, I like your comments/articles. Come on. Hope you update your blog frequently