“Mission San Juan Capistrano, the Birthplace of Orange County, was founded more than two hundred years ago as the 7th of 21 missions statewide, and one with a chapel still standing where Fr. Serra once celebrated Mass. Today it is a monument to California's multi-cultural history, embracing its Native American, Spanish, Mexican and European heritage. Originally built as a self sufficient community by Spanish Padres and Indians, the Mission was a center for agriculture, industry, education and religion.”
1. Mission的入口(Mission就在州际5号公路旁,从Ortega Highway出口下来往西走一点就到,Mission周围有几个免费停车场。Mission的门票是成人七美元。)

2. Mission的前庭

3. Mission的创始人Friar Junipero Serra

Miguel Joseph Serra who later became Fr. Junipero Serra was born in 1713 in Petra, located on the island of Majorca, Spain.
When the Spanish Crown decided to colonize Alta (Upper) California, Fr. Serra was selected to lead the missionary effort of teaching Christianity to the Native Americans there. Missions were established for this purpose.
Fr. Serra founded 9 of the 21 Upper California Missions, the first being in San Diego in 1769. He was 55 years old at that time.
One of the above 9 missions was Mission San Juan Capistrano established in 1776 and known as the “Jewel “of the Missions. Here there is Serra Chapel where Fr. Serra celebrated mass. It is also the only Mission church named for Fr. Serra. The structure is also believed to be the oldest church still standing in California.
Fr. Serra died in 1784 at Mission San Carlos Borromeo and is buried there.
Recognized as “The Father of the California Missions” a bronze statue of Fr. Serra has been placed in the Statuary Hall of our Nation’s Capitol.
4. Great Stone Church遗迹

5. Church Wall

6. Bells In Front Of The Church

7. Sacred Garden

8. 还在使用的Serra Chapel(别人是跪下祈祷,我是跪下拍照:)就算用手支撑着前面的木架,照片还是糊了。一开始还在想是否因为自己心不诚,后来看到教堂官方网上类似的照片比我还糊:))

9. Arched Walkway

10. 过道上的圣母玛丽亚像

11. Mission后庭景色

12. 士兵起居室

13. Mission修复纪念Landmark

14. Mission外的Basilica(巴西利卡)建筑

巴西利卡这个词来源于希腊语,原意是“王者之厅”的意思,拉丁语的全名是basilica domus。本来是大都市里作为法庭或者大商场的豪华建筑。
前一天晚上我住的是尔湾凯悦Hyatt Regency Irvine。
性价比: 85分
入住/退房过程: 85分 服务: 85分
房间设计及家具: 85分 宽带速度/便利: 房间有线上网,没试(US$10.99一天)
床及床上用品: 85分 洗手间: 80分
早餐: 85 健身设施: 85 地理位置: 85分
结论: 位于南加州橙县,是AAA酒店评定里尔湾市唯一一家四钻级的酒店。便利的位置和优质的服务。推荐给在橙县办事的商务客或在橙县及周围旅游的游客。
订房贴士: 这次是第二次入住Hyatt品牌的酒店。上次五月初住硅谷凯悦前加入了Hyatt的Gold Passport计划,从那以后Hyatt会不时发些特别促销的电子邮件给我。这次是先看到有一封说新Gold Passport会员住完Hyatt第二晚后两个月内会有一个Free Night Stay,过了几天在我的Hyatt月度总结邮件里有个AAA会员的含早餐特别促销。呵呵,把它们两结合在一起不是更好吗?正好我七月下旬的一个周六要在橙县表演艺术中心看芭蕾舞Sleeping Beauty,住在Hyatt Regency Irvine第二天去附近的San Juan Capistrano拍照也不用长途跋涉了。最后是在Hyatt自己的网站上订的:US $135.20加税(CORNER KING,含早餐),象这个特殊AAA套餐价在如KAYAK.COM等的旅游搜索引擎或第三方网站上也是没有的。 需要说明的一点是在这个Hyatt停车是要付费的,就算是酒店客人也要13美元一天。
1. 房间里的Hyatt Grand Bed(舒服的大床让我差点睡过头)

2. 房间里的工作桌(就算是Corner King房,面积其实不算大,大概30平方米左右。不过给人感觉非常舒适和精致。)

3. 延续房间设计特点的卫生间

4. 在房间的阳台眺望尔湾城市景色

5. 酒店外貌

6. 酒店门口特色万国旗

7. 酒店当晚举行的拉丁舞比赛(当晚午夜时分,比赛还在一楼热火朝天地进行。酒店的隔音应该是不错。否则会给房客抱怨死了。)
