Fresh Air 广播访谈 James Fallows:\'中国造,世界买\' (24min)

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James Fallows: 'China Makes, The World Takes'

Fresh Air from WHYY, October 30, 2007 · Journalist James Fallows, a 25-year veteran of The Atlantic Monthly, is living in China and writing about it. He joins Dave Davies to discuss his recent article "China Makes, The World Takes" — and the booming Chinese factories that are its subject.

"I was prepared for the skyline of Shanghai and its 240-mph Maglev train to the airport," he writes in the introductory paragraphs of that article, "and for the nonstop construction, dust, and bustle of Beijing. Every account of modern China mentions them.

"But I had no concept of the sweep of what has become the world's manufacturing center: the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province (the old Canton region), just north of Hong Kong. That one province might have a manufacturing workforce larger than America's."


这段访谈比较详细的介绍了中国 (深圳) 的 (外来加工) 制造业。据云,深圳制造业的就业人口超过整个美国制造业的就业人口。本段录音着重讨论了制造业的运作,制造业对中国,对美国,对全世界的影响,中国和印度的比较,以及中国的社会制度及问题等。金笔觉得 Mr. Fallows 的评论是比较中肯和坦率的。故强力推荐网友们耐心收听!


中国造,世界买 --- 广播访谈

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