专辑歌手:Michael Jackson

地 区:美国
语 言:英语
在专辑中的一支歌曲[Billie Jean],声称有一位男子被错误的指认为一个小孩的父亲,那孩子不是我的。”它的主要灵感主要来自于一位非常漂亮的19岁"湖人女孩",她是洛杉矶湖人篮球队的拉拉队长。另外,[Billie Jean]还有一个目的,它暗示迈克尔可能是故意把自己放在因父亲身份而被诉讼的位置上。昆西·琼斯知道该专辑仍需要另一首爆炸性的,更令人激动的歌,因此几个星期来不断缠着迈克尔再写一首,结果便是[beat it], 灌制[beat it]时,众多评论者纷纷发言,据琼斯说, 他们几乎都爆发了——这是前所未有的。

然而,是之后的《Thriller》打破所有记录,复兴和改革了音乐界。1982年11月发行的《Thriller》令人惊愕的产生了七首畅销单曲:“The Girl Is Mine”(#2)、“Billie Jean”(#1)、“Beat It”(#1)、“Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'”(#5)、“Human Nature”(#7)、“P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)”(#10)和“Thriller”(#4)。而1983年5月的摩城唱片25周年纪念晚会上杰克逊首次展现的与地心引力相抗衡的独特舞步“太空步”和当年年末发行的14分钟的以歌曲“Thriller”为基础的音乐短篇电影,很大程度上推进了这张专辑的销量。而后者被认为是音乐史上最重要的音乐录影带。杰克逊使用了当时处于萌芽状态的媒介——音乐录影。这支革命性的录像带在《Thriller》发行仅一年就成为了MTV台的固定节目,杰克逊从中得了最大的收益。(http://www.mjdb.cn/show.aspx?id=1217&cid=22)
《Thriller》专辑独占排行榜榜首长达9个月(37周),而且在美国《Billboard》的专辑排行榜停留超过2年(122周)之久。因为《Thriller》,杰克逊获得了八座葛莱美音乐奖和七座美国音乐奖。在1985年,它打破吉尼斯记录成为史上最畅销的唱片。截止2001年七月,Thriller在美国卖出了2600万张,成为暂时仅次于老鹰乐队的《Greatest Hits》的国内第二畅销的唱片。而在世界范围内,《Thriller》一共卖出了5900万张,这个世界范围内最畅销的数字无人能够打破。比数字更进一步,杰克逊这次频频破记录的胜利到底有多重要?根据制作人昆西·琼斯接受《时代》杂志时所说的那样,“黑人音乐在很长的时期里都是屈居第二位,但是它的精神却是整个流行乐的发动机。而迈克尔则将世界上每个灵魂都联系在了一起。” (http://www.mjdb.cn/show.aspx?id=1217&cid=22)
Michael Jackson 无疑是流行乐坛上最成功的艺人,专辑《Thriller》达到了在全世界发行1亿张的前无古人的惊人成绩,并获各国赠送的黄金和白金唱片100多张。(http://cn.last.fm/music/Michael+Jackson)

08.P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing)
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
[1st Verse]
I Took My Baby To The Doctor
With A Fever, But Nothing He Found
By The Time This Hit The Street
They Said She Had A Breakdown
Someone's Always Tryin' To Start My Baby Cryin'
Talkin', Squealin', Lyin'
Sayin' You Just Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
[2nd Verse]
You Love To Pretend That You're Good
When You're Always Up To No Good
You Really Can't Make Him Hate Her
So Your Tongue Became A Razor
Someone's Always Tryin' To Keep My Baby Cryin'
Treacherous, Cunnin', Declinin'
You Got My Baby Cryin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
You're A Vegetable, You're A Vegetable
Still They Hate You, You're A Vegetable
You're Just A Buffet, You're A Vegetable
They Eat Off Of You, You're A Vegetable
[3rd Verse]
Billie Jean Is Always Talkin'
When Nobody Else Is Talkin'
Tellin' Lies And Rubbin' Shoulders
So They Called Her Mouth A Motor
Someone's Always Tryin' To Start My Baby Cryin'
Talkin', Squealin', Spyin'
Sayin' You Just Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
You're A Vegetable, You're A Vegetable
Still They Hate You, You're A Vegetable
You're Just A Buffet, You're A Vegetable
They Eat Off Of You, You're A Vegetable
If You Cant Feed Your Baby (Yeah, Yeah)
Then Don't Have A Baby (Yeah, Yeah)
And Don't Think Maybe (Yeah, Yeah)
If You Can't Feed Your Baby (Yeah, Yeah)
You'll Be Always Tryin'
To Stop That Child From Cryin'
Hustlin', Stealin', Lyin'
Now Baby's Slowly Dyin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah)
Too Low To Get Under (Yeah, Yeah)
You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah)
And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah)
Lift Your Head Up High
And Scream Out To The World
I Know I Am Someone
And Let The Truth Unfurl
No One Can Hurt You Now
Because You Know What's True
Yes, I Believe In Me
So You Believe In You
Help Me Sing It, Ma Ma Se,
Ma Ma Sa, Ma Ma Coo Sa
Ma Ma Se, Ma Ma Sa,
Ma Ma Coo Sa
[1st Verse]
I Don't Need No Dreams When I'm By Your Side
Every Moment Takes Me To Paradise
Darlin', Let Me Hold You
Warm You In My Arms And Melt Your Fears Away
Show You All The Magic That A Perfect Love Can
I Need You Night And Day
[Chorus (1)]
So Baby, Be Mine (Baby You Gotta Be Mine)
And Girl I'll Give You All I Got To Give
So Baby, Be My Girl (All The Time)
And We Can Share This Ecstasy
As Long As We Believe In Love
[2nd Verse]
I Won't Give You Reason To Change Your Mind
(I Guess It's Still You Thrill Me, Baby, Be Mine)
You Are All The Future That I Desire
Girl, I Need To Hold You
Share My Feelings In The Heat Of Love's Embrace
Show You All The Passion Burning In My Heart
It's Never Gonna Fade
[Chorus (2)]
So Baby, Be Mine (Baby You Gotta Be Mine)
And Girl I'll Give You All I Got To Give
So Baby, Be My Girl (All The Time)
You're Everything This World Could Be
The Reason That I Live
Won't You Stay With Me Until The Mornin' Sun
I Promise You Now That The Dawn Will Be Different
Lady Can't You See That Heaven's Just Begun
It's Livin' Here Inside Our Hearts
[3rd Verse]
There'll Be No More Mountains For Us To Climb
(I Can't Be Still You Thrill Me, Baby, Be Mine)
This Will Be A Love Lasting For All Time
Girl You Got To Hold Me
We Can Touch The Sky And Light The Darkest Day
Hold Me, Only You And I Can Make Sweet Love This Way
There's No More I Can Say
So Baby, Be Mine (Baby You Gotta Be Mine)
And Girl I'll Give You All I Got To Give
So Baby, Be My Girl (All The Time)
You're Everything This World Could Be
The Reason That I Live
Baby Be My Girl
And Girl I'll Give You All I Got To Give
So Baby, Be Mine, Baby, Be Mine
You're Everything This World Could Be To Me
C'mon, Girl, C'mon Girl
So Baby, Be Mine
You're Everything This World Could Be To Me
[1st Verse (Michael)]
Every Night She Walks Right In My Dreams
Since I Met Her From The Start
I'm So Proud I Am The Only One
Who Is Special In Her Heart
The Girl Is Mine
The Doggone Girl Is Mine
I Know She's Mine
Because The Doggone Girl Is Mine
[2nd Verse (Paul)]
I Don't Understand The Way You Think
Saying That She's Yours Not Mine
Sending Roses And Your Silly Dreams
Really Just A Waste Of Time
Because She's Mine
The Doggone Girl Is Mine
Don't Waste Your Time
Because The Doggone Girl Is Mine
[Bridge (Paul)]
I Love You More Than He
(Take You Anywhere)
But I Love You Endlessly
(Loving We Will Share)
[Michael & Paul]
So Come And Go With Me
To One Town
But We Both Cannot Have Her
So It's One Or The Other
And One Day You'll Discover
That She's My Girl Forever And Ever
[3rd Verse (Paul)]
I Don't Build Your Hopes To Be Let Down
'Cause I Really Feel It's Time
I Know She'll Tell You I'm The One For Her
'Cause She Said I Blow Her Mind
Chorus (Michael)
The Girl Is Mine
The Doggone Girl Is Mine
Don't Waste Your Time
Because The Doggone Girl Is Mine
[Michael & Paul]
She's Mine, She's Mine
No, No, No, She's Mine
The Girl Is Mine, The Girl Is Mine
The Girl Is Mine, The Girl Is Mine
The Girl Is Mine, (Yep) She's Mine
The Girl Is Mine, (Yep) She's Mine
Don't Waste Your Time
Because The Doggone Girl Is Mine
The Girl Is Mine, The Girl Is Mine
Michael, We're Not Going To Fight About This, Okay
Paul, I Think I Told You, I'm A Lover Not A Fighter
I've Heard It All Before, Michael
She Told Me That I'm Her Forever Lover, You Know, Don't You Remember
Well, After Loving Me, She Said She Couldn't Love Another
Is That What She Said
Yes, She Said It, You Keep Dreaming
I Don't Believe It
[Michael & Paul]
The Girl Is Mine (Mine, Mine, Mine)
1st verse
Its close to midnight and something evils lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
Youre paralyzed
cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no ones gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know its thriller, thriller night
Youre fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
2nd verse
You hear the door slam and realize theres nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if youll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
But all the while you hear the creature creepin up behind
Youre out of time
cause this is thriller, thriller night
There aint no second chance against the thing with forty eyes
You know its thriller, thriller night
Youre fighting for your life inside of killer, thriller tonight
Night creatures call
And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
Theres no escapin the jaws of the alien this time
(theyre open wide)
This is the end of your life
3rd verse
Theyre out to get you, theres demons closing in on every side
They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together
All thru the night Ill save you from the terror on the screen,
Ill make you see
That this is thriller, thriller night
cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller
Thriller here tonight
(rap performed by vincent price)
Darkness falls across the land
The midnite hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize yawls neighbourhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpses shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzy ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller
1st verse
They told him dont you ever come around here
Dont wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fires in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it
2nd verse
You better run, you better do what you can
Dont wanna see no blood, dont be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
3rd verse
Theyre out to get you, better leave while you can
Dont wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it, just beat it
4th verse
You have to show them that youre really not scared
Youre playin with your life, this aint no truth or dare
Theyll kick you, then they beat you,
Then theyll tell you its fair
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or whos right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin how funky strong is your fighter
It doesnt matter whos wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
1st verse
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said dont mind, but what do you mean I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
She said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round
2nd verse
She told me her name was billie jean, as she caused a scene
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
People always told me be careful of what you do
And dont go around breaking young girls hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do cause the lie becomes the truth
Billie jean is not my lover
Shes just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
3rd verse
For forty days and forty nights
The law was on her side
But who can stand when shes in demand
Her schemes and plans
cause we danced on the floor in the round
So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice
(do think twice)
4th verse
She told my baby,we where dancing still 3:00
Then she looked at me, she show me a photo
My baby cried, cause his eyes where like mine
People always told me be careful of what you do
And dont go around breaking young girls hearts
She came and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This happened much too soon
She called me to her room
Billie jean is not my lover
Shes just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
Billie jean is not my lover
Shes just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
Billie jean is not my lover
Shes just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, she says he is my son
She says I am the one
Billie jean is not my lover
Billie jean is not my lover
Billie jean is not my lover
Billie jean is not my lover
Billie jean is not my lover
Billie jean is not my lover
1st verse
Looking out
Across the night-time
The city winks a sleepless eye
Hear her voice
Shake my window
Sweet seducing sighs
2nd verse
Get me out
Into the night-time
Four walls wont hold me tonight
If this town
Is just an apple
Then let me take a bite
If they say -
Why, why, tell em that is human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say -
Why, why, tell em that is human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
3rd verse
Reaching out
To touch a stranger
Electric eyes are evrywhere
See that girl
She knows Im watching
She likes the way I stare
If they say -
Why, why, tell em that is human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say -
Why, why, tell em that is human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
I like livin this way
I like lovin this way
(instrumental section)
4th verse
Looking out
Across the morning
The citys heart begins to beat
Reaching out
I touch her shoulder
Im dreaming of the street
If they say -
Why, why, tell em that is human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say -
Why, why, tell em that is human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
I like livin this way
(repeat chorus - ad-lib/fade-out)
08.P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing)
1st Verse
Where did you come from lady
And ooh won't you take me there
Right away won't you baby
Tendoroni you've got to be
Spark my nature
Sugar fly with me
Don't you know now
Is the perfect time
We can make it right
Hit the city lights
Then tonight ease the lovin' pain
Let me take you to the max
I want to love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
And I'll take you there
I want to love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
I'll shake you there
Anywhere you wanna go
2nd Verse
Nothin' can stop this burnin'
Desire to be with you
Gotta get to you baby
Won't you come, it's emergency
Cool my fire yearnin'
Honey, come set me free
Don't you know now is the perfect time
We can dim the lights
Just to make it right
In the night
Hit the lovin' spot
I'll give you all that I've got
I want to love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
And I'll take you there
I want to love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
I'll take you there
Pretty young things, repeat after me
(Michael) I said na na na
(P.Y.T.'s) na na na
(Michael) na na na na
(P.Y.T.'s) na na na na
(Michael) I said na na na
(P.Y.T.'s) na na na
(Michael) na na na na na
(P.Y.T.'s) na na na na na
(Michael) I'll take you there
I want to love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
And I'll take you there
I want to love you (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender lovin' care
I'll take you there
(Repeat Chorus - Ad-lib/fade-out)
1st verse
Therell be no darkness tonight
Lady our love will shine
Just put your trust in my heart
And meet me in paradise, girl
Youre every wonder in this world to me
A treasure time wont steal away
So listen to my heart
Lay your body close to mine
Let me fill you with my dreams
I can make you feel alright
And baby through the years
Gonna love you more each day
So I promise you tonight
That youll always be the lady in my life
Lay back in my tenderness
Lets make this a night we wont forget
Girl, I need your sweet caress
Reach out to a fantasy
Two hearts in the beat of ecstasy
Come to me, girl
And I will keep you warm
Through the shadows of the night
Let me touch you with my love
I can make you feel so right
And baby through the years
Even when were old and gray
I will love you more each day
cause you will always be the lady in my life
Stay with me
I want you to stay with me...